You are here: Reference > Tools, accelerators, and wizards > Inspector Prefs
About the Inspection Preferences option
Use the Inspection Prefs menu on the Designer Studio developer toolbar to:
- Identify properties displayed that are computed automatically by Declare Expression rules.
- Find labels and other elements on harnesses, sections, and flow actions marked for localization, for which field values are defined.
Identifying these rules and other elements can be valuable as you update harness, section, flow action and HTML rules to evolve the user interface of your application.
To turn on rules inspection
Open the Inspection Prefs menu to toggle the rule inspection tools. When a tool is set, a check mark appears before the item. The tools include the following:
- Declaratives mark properties computed by Declare Expression rules. A small red D identifies such properties.
- Field Values mark portal, harness, section, and flow action elements that are defined for localization and supported by field value rules (Rule-Obj-FieldValue rule types). This option is most useful when testing a localized application. See Localizing with the Field Values Inspector.
Working while rules inspection is on
Rule inspection settings affect all user forms presented after you turn on the settings.
To see the enhanced display for a form that's already displayed:
- Right-click anywhere in the form.
- Click the Refresh icon (
) on your portal. (If this icon isn't visible, save your work and choose Refresh from the right-click context menu presented by your browser.)
Understanding the D and A icons
Rules inspection settings affect all forms presented after you turn on the settings. The enhanced display contains these icons:
- A small red D identifies a property computed by a Declare Expression rule.
- Any of the following four globe icons may appear at points on a harness, section, or flow action for which the Localized check box (on the HTML tab) is selected and a language-specific RuleSet is in use:
— A field value rule exists for ToolTip text (in the language-specific RuleSet).
— No field value rule exists for ToolTip text.
— A field value rule exists for the text label, caption, or value.
— No field value rule exists for the text label, caption, or value.
Interacting with the D and A results
You can use user forms while rules inspection is enabled. In addition, you can identify the rules that make up a user form:
- Place and hold your mouse pointer over the D to display in ToolTip text, the rule type and the full name of the rule.
- Click a D mark to view the dependency network for that property. B-20490 The network shows the current values of other properties that contribute to the current property computation. To understand the computation, you can alter selected input values to see the effect on the computation. Your changes do not alter the value on the form. GAGNP 10/5/04
- Click any field value icon (
, or
) to access the Field Value Manager, which lets you review, add or update a language-specific field value to the current language-specific RuleSet. See Localizing forms and reports with the Field Value Inspector.
To turn off rules inspection
Using this facility slows your session; enable it only when needed.
To turn off rules inspection, select each menu item again to remove the check marks.
- Some standard rules have Availability set to
(and so cannot be overridden by your application). These rules are not marked when rules inspection is enabled.
- A few properties and HTML rules marked as "internal-only" are not marked when rules inspection is enabled.
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