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Import Wizard - Step 2 Review Contents


Reviewing the import summary

Once the Excel spreadsheet has been analyzed, the Summary section indicates how many rows will be processed or ignored:

If you need to address an issue with the spreadsheet, follow guidance in the sections below. Otherwise, click Import to progress the wizard to Step 3.

Handling custom values

The Custom Values section appears when the wizard detects an unknown custom value.

For example, a requirement has a value of Pending-QA in the Status column of the spreadsheet, but a corresponding field value does not exist in the current system. (This scenario typically occurs when migrating requirements and specifications from one system to another).

Each custom value flagged as unknown appears in table format:




Check this check box to create a new field value as part of the import. If left unchecked, rows in the spreadsheet that use this custom value will be skipped.

Use the Select All or Clear All buttons to apply check box selections to the entire table.

Custom value for Read-only. The column name in the spreadsheet containing the custom value.
Custom value Read-only. The unknown custom value as it appears in the spreadsheet.


Rows in the spreadsheet that rely on unknown custom values are flagged by the wizard as errors.

Once you are finished making selections in the table, click the Fix Errors button. Any rows that were previously impacted by the unknown custom value are now classified as Fixed in the Errors table below.

Resolving Conflicts

The Conflicts section of the wizard appears when a requirement or specification has been updated in both the spreadsheet and the current system. Each rule flagged as a conflict appears in table format:




Check this check box to overwrite the current rule with values from the spreadsheet. If left unchecked, the wizard will skip updates to this rule.

Use the Select All or Clear All buttons to apply check box selections to the entire table.

Requirement Name Read-only key part that uniquely identifies the requirement with a conflict.
Specification Name Read-only key parts that uniquely identify the specification with a conflict.
Case Type
Updated On The time this rule was last updated on the current system.
Updated By The name of the operator who last updated the rule.


Note: A hidden column in the spreadsheet stores the last update time for each exported rule. The wizard compares this value with the system's last update time to detect a conflict.

Once all desired conflicts are resolved, click Import to progress the wizard to Step 3.

Fixing Errors

The Errors section of the wizard appears when the spreadsheet contains rows that cannot be processed due to invalid or missing data. Each row flagged as an error appears in table format:




Click the link to take action based on the error type:

Edit — The row has invalid or missing values. Click to make the row editable.

Unlock — The row is updating a rule that resides in a locked ruleset. Click to enter the password to unlock the ruleset.

Validate — Appears after you use the Edit link.  Click to remove the error if your edits pass validation.

[Blank] — If no action exists, refer to the How to fix column for more details.

If no action is taken, rows with errors are skipped on import.

Requirement Name Read-only key part that uniquely identifies the requirement with an error.
Specification Name Read-only key part that uniquely identifies the specification with an error.
Case Type Read-only key part that uniquely identifies the specification with an error.
Application Read-only key part that uniquely identifies the specification or requirement with an error.

Describes why this row was flagged as an error.

Typical issues include: invalid or missing key parts, a locked ruleset, unknown custom values, and duplicates.

How to fix

Guidance on how to remove the error condition.

Follow instructions and then click Validate All to see how many errors are fixed.

Status The current state of the requirement or specification; Error or Fixed.


Once all desired errors are resolved and validated, click Import to progress the wizard to Step 3.

Step 1   Step 3