You are here: Decision Strategy Manager > Visual Business Director landing page

Visual Business Director landing page

Visual Business Director (VBD) allows you to perform historical analysis and forecasting. VBD allows you to assess the success of your business strategy through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and can provide the visualization based on different views of the business. The VBD Planner is driven by KPIs, so you have to define at least one KPI to be able to open it through a data source or a view.

Accessing the landing page

  1. Click the Designer Studio menu item.

  2. Select Decisioning > Monitoring > Visual Business Director.

Note: If you are using the Chrome browser you may need to enable the NPAPI configuration option in the browser. For details see the Java Technology FAQ website, the section about Java and Google Chrome Browser.

The Visual Business Director landing page is available in applications that have access to the Decision Management rule sets or in applications built on PegaDM.

The Visual Business Director (VBD) landing page contains four tabs:

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