prconfig setting

A prconfig setting is a name-value pair that affects the operation of your system. Many prconfig settings have a narrow purpose and outcome; others have broad, system-wide impact.

For example, the name alerts/declarative/lookupTime/thresholdMS identifies an integer value that is a count of milliseconds, for example 2000. If a specific operation, from any application, requires more than 2000 milliseconds to complete, an alert message appears in the Alert log identifying the date, time, duration, and other aspects of the operation.

Many settings have a default value; if no other value is explicitly assigned, the default value is in force, though the name of the setting does not appear anywhere in your system.

The default value for alerts/declarative/lookupTime/thresholdMS is 1000 milliseconds, or one second.

Dynamic System Setting approach

You can create a Dynamic System Setting data instance, following a naming convention, and set the value of the data instance to a prconfig setting value. The setting and new value take effect the next time your system (or the affected node or nodes) is restarted.

This is an attractive alternative to the older PRCONFIG.XML file approach, as it does not require that you undeploy and redeploy the WAR or EAR file. (A few settings must be in the PRCONFIG.XML file only.)

PRCONFIG.XML file approach

You can create an entry in the prconfig.xml file to set the value of a prconfig setting. The XML version of the example above is:

<env name="alerts/declarative/lookupTime/thresholdMS" value="nnnn" />

where nnnnn is the integer value in milliseconds.

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