standard rule

Standard rule instances are those initially installed and available with your system . You can use them as-is, or copy them into your application and modify your copy.

Standard classes (instances of Rule-Obj-Class) include the Work- and History- classes. Pega 7 Platform also includes standard properties, activities, flows, flow actions, HTML Properties, fragments, data transforms (formerly known as models), and many other rules. For example, your system includes important standard HTML rules associated with the Work- class that provide a starting point for work item entry and assignments.

Standard rules are those in the Pega-RULES, Pega-WB, Pega-IntSvcs and Pega-ProCom RuleSets. Every version of these four RuleSets is locked to prevent inadvertent changes. You cannot modify standard rules.

Standard rules are also sometimes called out-of-the-box or "OOTB" rules.

Rule instances that you create are called custom rules. The rule instances you create can reference standard rules through inheritance. Alternatively, you can open a standard rule and save it with a new RuleSet to create a modifiable copy. Use the same name for your copy (to override the standard rule in your application) or a different name of your choosing.

A standard data instance is an instance of a concrete class derived from the Data- base class that is present when your system is first installed. If you have appropriate access, you can modify or delete the standard data instances.

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