temporary files directory

Temporary files are used on both the Pega 7 Platform server and workstations.

Server temporary files

On each server node of a system, temporary files including Java code and compiled Java classes are created in a directory that you identify during installation.

This directory is defined by the explicitTempDir entry in the prconfig.xml file or Dynamic System Settings:

<env name="Initialization/explicitTempDir" value="D:\zzzzz" />

where D:\zzzzz identifies an existing directory. (In some cases, the directory may be specified through JNDI rather than explicitly. The system does not create the directory if it is not found.)

As an alternative to the prconfig.xml file, you can use Dynamic System Settings to configure your application.
See How to create or update a prconfig setting.

If this prconfig entry is not present, temporary files are placed in the working directory of the application server, for example /work/Catalina/localhost/prweb for Tomcat.

This directory is parent to other directories:

For example, if the directory is D:/Temp, the ServiceExport directory is:


In addition to the above, the temporary files directory on many systems also contains index files that support the full-text search facility, within three subdirectories (WorkIndex, RuleIndex, and DataIndex) of a directory named Index. The directory used for full-text indexes is determined by a Dynamic System Setting named indexing/explicitindexdir.


Internet Explorer temporary files

The workstation cache for the Internet Explorer holds Web pages, images, CSS files, and JavaScript files. Select Tools > Internet Options > General > Temporary Internet Files from the Internet Explorer to set the directory that contains this cache.

Correspondence temporary files

Correspondence processing using Microsoft Word requires disk space for temporary files on the user workstation. These temporary files are created in the directory identified by the Windows TEMP environment variable, or in C:/PegaTemp if the TEMP variable is not found or identifies a device other than C:

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