You are here: Record management > Creating a rule or data instance > Defining the record context (creating a rule or data instance step 4)

Defining the record context (creating a rule or data instance step 4)

Use the record context area of the Create form to specify where the record will reside in your application ruleset stack and how it may be reused in the class hierarchy.

Development branch

The development branch field appears only when there are branches defined in the current application or one of the built on application layers.

Select a branch name from the list to create the record in a branched version of the ruleset specified in the Add to ruleset field. The branched rulesetversion will automatically be created and added to your development branch when the Create form is submitted if it does not yet exist.

Choose the [No branch] option to indicate the record will be created in an unlocked ruleset version.

Branches from all levels of your application stack appear in the list of development branches, regardless of the application name your have chosen in the Choose app layer field.

Choose app layer

Define how your record will be reused by selecting the name of an application in your stack. Specifying an application name helps you define a record's full context by automatically filtering the list of available options in the Apply to and Add to ruleset fields.

Only application layers with access to the selected development branch are enabled for selection. To choose an application name that is currently disabled, you first need to set the development branch to the [No branch] option.

Note: The "Production Rulesets" option will appear as the top most option in the stack if your current Access Group has production rulesets defined. Choosing this option will restrict the Add to ruleset field only.

Apply to

Select a class to which this record applies. By default, this list is populated by the cases and data types accessible by your chosen app layer. To select a class name that is not a case or data type, click the View all link.

Generally, choose an Apply to class that is the most specific — that is, the lowest in the class hierarchy — that serves the needs of your application. For example, choose MyCo-LoanDiv-MortgageApplication rather than MyCo-LoanDiv- as the Apply to class for a new flow or property, unless you are certain that the record is applicable to all the objects in every class derived from MyCo-LoanDiv-.

Add to ruleset

Select the name of a ruleset to contain the record. If the development branch is set to [No Branch] or there are no available branches to choose from, you must also specify a version for the specified ruleset name.

The ruleset name list is populated by the rulesets available to your selected app layer and additionally filtered by any restrictions set by the selected Apply to class.

The ruleset version list is populated by all unlocked versions.


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