You are here: Record management > Branch development and merging > Using branch rulesets and merging branches for parallel development > Creating branch rulesets

Creating branch rulesets

After you create a branch, create branch rulesets for the branch by doing the following.

  1. Open the application rule for the team application and click the Definition tab.
  2. Click Create branch ruleset.
  3. In the Create Ruleset Version dialog, from the Branch ID drop-down box, select the branch ID that will contain the branced rules.
  4. From the RuleSet to Branch drop-down box, select the ruleset from which to branch the rules for the branch ID.
  5. Click Create and open. The system opens the ruleset form for the branch ruleset.
  6. In the ruleset form, click Save to save the branch ruleset to the system.
  7. The name of the branch ruleset is set to a combination of the name of the base ruleset from which it is branched and the name of the branch.

  8. Repeat steps 1 - 3 to create the branch rulesets for all of the main rulesets that contain rules the team expects to modify in that branch.
  9. Confirm that the branch rulesets are associated with the development branch by opening the rule form for the team application.
  10. In the Current development branches list, expand the branch you selected for the branch rulesets. All of the branch rulesets associated with that branch are displayed.
  11. Develop rules in the branch ruleset.

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