About Predictive Model rules
Predictive models predict behavior for one or more segments (classes) based on customer data. Predictive models instances use a PAD model or a third party model in PMML format (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0 or 4.1). Predictive models are used in strategies through predictive model components. In flows, predictive models are referenced through the decision shape by selecting the predictive model type.
Available in applications that have access to the Decision Management rule sets or in applications built on PegaDM.
A decision shape in a flow rule can reference a predictive model. In expressions, you can obtain the segments calculated by the predictive model by using the Lib(Pega-DecisionEngine:PredictiveModel).ObtainValue(this, myStepPage, "predictivemodelrulename") syntax.
Use the Application Explorer or Records Explorer to access your application's predictive model rules.
Predictive model rules are part of the Decision category. A predictive model rule is an instance of the Rule-Decision-PredictiveModel rule type.