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Report Definition rule form

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A report definition rule defines a report definition report. This rule generates an SQL query that retrieves and sorts information from the PegaRULES database, an external database, or an Elasticsearch index, and generates HTML that displays the results in a variety of formats. You have a range of options for interacting with the results, depending on the settings on the Report Viewer tab.

Because of the ease-of-use of report definition rules, managers can create, share, modify, and schedule report definition reports with little or no assistance from application developers.

Basic concepts and terms

The two types of report definition reports are summarized reports and list reports.

The columns in report definitions can contain either property values or the values of expressions using SQL functions. See Using the Calculation Builder.  

Where referenced

Query results for report definitions are stored on a clipboard page (typically of class Code-Pega-List). APIs allow developers to run a report definition and access the data that is returned by its query without needing the report definition itself to display the results. See More about Report Definitions.

Your application can reference a report definition in the following places:


Both developers and managers can create, update, and run report definitions.

Note: Using one shared, unlocked, local production ruleset for reports for all access groups for an application simplifies the maintenance and migration of report definitions, report categories, and report shortcuts in the Report Browser.

When a report runs, the results display in the Report Viewer. The Report Viewer offers many options for manipulating the displayed report, such as printing it, or exporting it to an Excel workbook or as a PDF file. From the Report Viewer, you can edit a report by using the Report Editor.

You can save the updated report, or save a copy as the basis of a new report.

Completing the rule form

When creating a new report definition using the rule form, complete the tabs in the following order:

Defining report definitions on abstract classes

You cannot run report definitions that are defined from the following classes from the rule form, but you can run them in the Report Browser:

When you run these rules in the Report Browser, the Applies To class of the report is resolved as follows:

Defined on: Applies To class resolves to:
Work- or abstract classes derived from Work- The current work pool of the application that is run
History-Work- or abstract classes derived from History-Work- The History-Work- class for the current work pool of the application that is run
Assign- or abstract classes derived from Assign- Assign-Worklist
See Using the Report Browser.


Report definitions are instances of the Rule-Obj-Report-Definition class. They are part of the Reports category.

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