Using the Refactor Rules tool

Completing the form

Complete this form to identify the rules to be moved, and the destination class and RuleSet Version.



From Class

Select the destination Applies To class that is to contain the rules after they are moved.

RuleSet Name

Select the RuleSet that is to contain the rules after they are moved. This may be the RuleSet that currently contains the rule, or a different RuleSet.

RuleSet Version Select the RuleSet Version that is to contain the rules after they are moved. This may be the Version that currently contains the rule, or a different Version.
Rule Types for Class

add rowThis report lists the types of applicable rules that can be moved.

Select one or more check boxes to indicate which rule types are to be moved.

Click Save As.


When processing completes, the form changes to show you the results of the tool.

Rules not moved are marked with a red X. Hold the mouse pointer over the red X to identify the cause or error condition.

Up About the Refactor Rules tool