You are here: Reference > Tools, accelerators, and wizards > Rulebase Compare wizard

About the RuleBase Compare wizard

You can use the Rulebase Compare wizard to identify differences in the rules present on two Pega 7 Platform systems. For example, you can use the tool to confirm the success of a product migration between systems, or to identify the changes needed to synchronize two systems.

Starting the Tool

Select Designer Studio> System > Refactor > RuleSets > Rulebase Compare to start the wizard. For instructions on the form, see Using the Rulebase Compare tool.

You specify the target system and the RuleSet or a Rule-Admin-Product rule to compare. The same RuleSet or Rule-Admin-Product must be present on both systems. The comparison processing is performed on the system on which you are running the Rulebase Compare wizard.


The wizard generates a report summarizing the actions you can make on the target system to match the target system with the source system. The wizard identifies three types of actions:

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UpTools — System