You are here: Reference > Tools, accelerators, and wizards > Search/Replace a String wizard > Step 1: Enter a String to Refactor

  Using the Search/Replace a String wizard —

Step 1: Enter a String and Select RuleSets

Use the form to enter the string value you want to match, the new string value you want to change it to, and to identify the RuleSets in which you want the change to be made. You can limit the search to RuleSets in your own RuleSet list or review all RuleSets in the system.

Caution: Be sure that you have a current backup of your system before refactoring any RuleSets.

Complete the fields as follows:



Original String Value

Enter the string to be replaced.

New String Value

The string to replace the Original String Value.

Limit search to RuleSets in my RuleSet List?

Select Yes to present a list of RuleSets in your RuleSet list (excluding the standard Pega- RuleSets, which define PRPC; all versions of these RuleSets are locked).

In the RuleSet list that appears, specify the RuleSets to be searched. Check the top check box next to RuleSet Name to search all the RuleSets listed, or search only specific RuleSets by checking the check box next to each in the list.

important noteYour personal RuleSet, (also known as your private RuleSet) appears in this list, identified by your user ID. If you select this RuleSet to be searched, the gadget will be able to find and replace the string you have identified in rules you have checked out. The gadget cannot complete its work if your search criteria return checked-out rules not checked out by you, or rules checked out by you if you have not selected your personal RuleSet.

Select No to present a list of all RuleSets in the system (excluding the standard Pega- RuleSets, which define PRPC; all versions of these RuleSets are locked). Select the top check box next to RuleSet Name to search all the RuleSets listed, or search only specific RuleSets by checking the check box next to each in the list.

 Next >>   

Click to perform a preview scan identifying the number of rules that are found matching the original string value.
No rules are updated by this step.


Click to exit the wizard.


Every occurrence of the string will be replaced with the new value, including instances that are embedded within longer strings, and without regard to case.

This utility uses full-text search to speed up the process. If your search is not limited to your current RuleSets, and full-text search for rules is not activated for your systemv6.1, the search can take hours or more to complete, and the potential effects will be more extensive and possibly difficult to analyze. PROJ-865 PROJ-1292 PROJ-1293 5.4

Up About the Search/Replace a String wizard