Atlas — Initial Metadata Converter instances

About MetaData Converter data instances

When first installed, the Pega 7 Platform contains eight metadata converter instances.

Do not delete or alter these instances.



DTD Supports conversion of XML Document Type Descriptors to XML Schema.
EJB Supports conversion of EJB property and method information into WSDL format.
Java Aids in conversion of external Java code to WSDL format.
JProperty Aids in conversion of external Java code to WSDL format
SQL Supports conversion of SQL to WSDL format.
WSDL Supports conversion of WSDL files to classes and properties. Can limit the number of classes and properties created.
WSDL4DOTNET Converts Microsoft .Net structures to WSDL.
XML Schema Converts XML schema to WSDL format.

UpAbout Metadata Converter data instances
Up Atlas — Initial Data Instances