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Atlas — Initial Service Types (Data-Admin-ServiceType)

The Pega 7 Platform contains thirteen service type data instances. Do not alter or update these unless instructed by Pegasystems Global Support.




Supports creation of a Windows Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file for deployment.

Important: The rule type rule-service-COM is deprecated. As appropriate, migrate to Service dotNET rules.

Rule-Service-dotNet Supports creation of a WSDL  file for deployment.
Rule-Service-EJB Supports creation of v1.1 or V.2 JAR deployment files in support of Enterprise JavaBean services.
Rule-Service-Email Supports email services, identifies listener.
Rule-Service-File Supports file services, identifies listener.
Rule-Service-HTTP Supports HTTP services.
Rule-Service-Java Supports services to Java clients.
Rule-Service-JMS Supports Java Message Services, identifies listener.
Rule-Service-JSR94 Supports Java Specification Request-94 services, a proposed API standard for calling a rules engine.
Rule-Service-MQ Supports WebSphere MQ services, identifies a listener.
Rule-Service-Portlet Supports portlet access.
Rule-Service-SOAP Supports creation of a WSDL file for deployment.

Up About Service Type data instances
Up Atlas — Initial Data Instances