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Atlas — Standard HTML Fragment rules

About HTML Fragment rules

The Pega 7 Platform contains a few dozen standard HTML Fragment rules, including these important ones:



DynamicSelect_Script Links the source HTML to reference a text file rule that contains JavaScripts that supports selection from a dynamic lists other than with SmartPrompt. See Dynamic Select control.
DesktopWrapperInclude Links the source HTML to reference a text file rule that provides JavaScripts that control interaction between a portal workspace and a user form.
DesktopStyles Links to the text file rule for desktop styles, desktop.css.
pyPortalIcon Identifies the favicon (ICO file type) image that appears in a composite portal.
SmartPrompt Links the source HTML to a text file rule that contains JavaScripts that support SmartPrompt operations.
StringList_script Links the source HTML to a text file rule that contains JavaScripts that support working with Value List properties on an HTML form.
WorkformKeys Defines responses to selected user shortcut key combinations. See PDN article 25264 How to change the default home keyboard shortcut.
WorkFormStandard Incorporates (through Include directives) the scripts and styles for standard user forms.
WorkFormStyle Links the source HTML to the text file rule that defines work item (harness) styles, workform.css.

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