The Dashboard feature of the Manager portal provides quick navigation among the various displays and controls the portal offers to give a real-time overview of the business supported by an application.
At the top left of the Manager composite portal, select Dashboard.
The left panel displays gadgets such as a summary of the current manager profile and the most recent News items. Click Full Profile to review the profile in more detail.
The main work area of the Dashboard displays gadgets such as charts to provide a quick overview of work progress. Developers can specify charts to appear here that are relevant to the application and the managers' needs. See How to create a composite portal.
By default, this area contains four interactive charts you can use to monitor your work group:
Drag the slider control to adjust which categories are visible. Click the Maximize button to present the chart in a larger, full-screen window. Click the Show Data button () to view the output as numeric data.
To view and interact with interactive charts, confirm that your workstation Web browser includes Adobe Flash Player 9 or later.
The standard HTML rule Data-Gadget.IChartsDashboard presents the four interactive charts in this space. By default, these interactive charts refresh only every 50 minutes or so; you can override this HTML rule and set a lower timeout value or present different charts.
This area contains a list of work processes that the current manager started.
This area contains a list of shortcut links to rule instances or data instances delegated to the current manager. See How to delegate a rule.