Pega Survey category — My Surveys tab
Designer Studio Access
Survey Management
My Surveys
The Survey Management landing page is part of the PegaSurvey framework. This page is available to those who have access to the PegaSurvey RuleSet. See Understanding surveys.
On My Surveys tab, you can create surveys, question pages, and questions. You can also browse or search for existing surveys, pages, and questions, and edit, copy, or delete survey assets.
The Type field
At the top of the tab is the Type field. Select the type of survey asset with which you want to work. This populates the tab with all existing instances of the type you select and also sets what controls are available. The options are
- Survey
- Question Page
- Question
- Complex Question
See below for details of work with each type.
Advanced Search
In the Advanced Search area, you can filter a list of survey assets by specifying some or all of the following information:
- The name or ID of the survey you want
- A date range within which the survey you are looking for was last updated
- The operator ID of the team member who last updated it
Click Filter to see a more focused list of assets.
Specify your own operator ID in the Updated By field and click Filter to see only assets of the selected type that you updated most recently.
Working with surveys
To work with surveys, select Survey in the Type selector at the top of the tab. In the grid below, a list of all surveys, or all surveys that match the search criteria you have set, appears.
Click one of the buttons to the right of a survey listing to perform the following functions:
- Preview – Click to see a preview of the survey in its own window.
- Edit – Click to open the survey for editing. See “Editing an existing survey”, below.
- Delete – Click to delete a survey. Deleting a survey does not delete survey assets such as questions and question pages that the survey may contain.
- Copy – Click to copy the survey so you have a copy you can edit without changing the original survey. See “Copying a survey”, below.
Creating a new survey
Click Create Survey to display the Survey Builder.
Fill in the required fields and, if you wish, the optional fields, and add at least one question page to the survey. You can then click the Create button to create the survey.
Field |
Description |
Required fields
Survey |
Provide a display name. When you click Create, Pega 7 Platform verifies that the name is unique; if it is not, an error message prompts you to provide a unique name. |
Applies To |
Select the class for the survey from the options provided in the drop-down list. |
RuleSet |
Select the RuleSet for the survey from the options provided in the drop-down list. |
Version |
Select the RuleSet version into which to save the survey rule. |
Optional fields
Instructions |
Provide instructions an end user may need. For instance, the survey may be embargoed before a certain date, or apply only to clients who fit a certain profile. |
Validation |
Select the validate rule to use. To create a new validate rule, click the icon beside the field. |
Pre-Action |
Select an activity to run before the user proceeds with the survey. To create a new pre-action, click the icon to the right of the field. Click the Get Params button to display a modal dialog where you can provide the parameters the section or activity requires. |
After you have filled in the required fields, the Add Page button becomes active. Click it to add the first page to the new survey.
The Add form appears. At the top, the New radio button is selected by default. If you want to add an existing question page, select the Existing button.
- To create and add a question page, make sure the "New" radio button is selected.
- Provide a name for the page, and specify the RuleSet and RuleSet version to add it to.On the Instructions tab, provide any guidance the end user may need when working with the questions on this page.
- The Advanced tab has optional settings. You can:
- Tag this page as belonging to one of the categories you have established.
- Hide the page label and/or the page instructions by checking the appropriate check boxes.
- Select the validation rule to use. To create a new validation rule, click the icon beside the field.
- Specify a pre-action the system takes before displaying the page, by choosing from one of the available pre-actions listed. To create a new pre-action as a pre-action, click the icon to the right of the field. Click Get Params to display a modal dialog where you can provide the pre-action requires.
- On the Display Logic tab, optionally specify any logic that governs whether the current question page appears, or whether answers on this page govern the appearance of some other question page. To create a new question page or When rule, click the icon to the right of the relevant field.
- On the Questions tab, specify the questions that appear on this page. Add additional question rows by clicking the + "add" button. Note that the questions appear to the end user in the order that establish in this form.
For each question:
- Specify whether the current question is Simple or Complex.
- In the Label field provide the text the end user sees with the question.
- in the Question Name field, select the question to include. To create a new question, click the icon to the right of the field and complete the form that appears. See Creating a new question, below.
- Click the Refresh check box to refresh the display and call server side display processing when the question is answered.
- Click the Default Hidden check box to not display this question unless display logic directs it to appear.
- Click the Blank Hidden check box to not display this question if the answer is blank.
- Click the Required check box to make answering the question required.
- Click the edit link to set or update the display logic governing this question.
To delete a question, click the trash-can icon at the right end of its row.
Click the Check for Property Conflicts button to have the system validate the questions on the page to make sure that two questions are not mapped to the same property. If the system finds multiple questions mapped to the same property, it displays an error message identifying the questions, so you can correct the issue.
- On the History tab, provide a full description of the question and any usage information, to aid in survey maintenance.
- Click OK to create the page; click Cancel to close the form without saving your work.
- To add an existing question page, Make sure the "Existing" radio button is selected.
- In the Name field, select the question page to add from the available options.
- You can only change the display logic of an existing question page. On the Display Logic tab, optionally specify any logic that governs whether the current question page appears, or whether answers on this page govern the appearance of some other question page. To create a new question page or When rule, click the icon to the right of the relevant field.
- Click OK to create the page; click Cancel to close the form without saving your work.
Editing an existing survey
To edit an existing survey, click the Edit button to the right of the survey name. The Survey Builder appears, displaying a series of command buttons. Note that the Check out button is disabled and that, in the Survey Settings display, the survey belongs to your personal RuleSet. This is because the Survey Builder automatically checks out the survey so you can edit it.
In the Survey Settings field you can update the following fields:
- Instructions — Provide instructions an end user may need. For instance, the survey may be embargoed before a certain date, or apply only to clients who fit a certain profile.
- Validation — Select the validation rule to use. To create a new validation rule, click the icon beside the field.
- Pre-Action - Select an activity to run before the user proceeds with the survey. To create a new pre-action, click the icon to the right of the field. Click the Get Params button to display a modal dialog where you can provide the parameters the pre-action requires.
The following control buttons are available:
- Add Page — Create and add a question page or select an existing page to add.
- Save — Save your changes without checking in the survey.
- Check In — Save your changes and check the survey in to source control.
- Check Out — Check the survey out of source control so that you can edit it.
- Delete Checked Out — Delete the checked-out version of the survey. All your changes since the last time you checked the survey in will be lost.
Click the Refresh button to make sure you are seeing the latest list of pages in the survey.
The grid displays the pages already in the survey. Click the + icon to the left of a page name to expand the tree display and see the questions on that page.
- Click the View/Edit button in a page listing to open the page for review and editing.
- Click the Remove button to remove the page from the survey. The page is not removed from the survey but not deleted, and is available for reuse in this or some other survey.
- Right-click a page to display its context menu. The menu provides the following options:
- Add a question: Choose "Simple" or "Complex" and whether you are creating a new question or adding an existing one.
- Reorder Questions: Reset the order in which the question appear on the page.
- View/Edit: Review or edit the page.
- Remove: Remove the page from the survey.
Copying a survey
You can copy an existing survey to create a version that you can edit or re-purpose without changing the original survey.
Click Copy beside a survey listing. The Copy Survey form opens.
- The Applies To class entry cannot be edited. If you want to create a survey for a different class, cancel out of this form and click the Create Survey button to create a fresh survey.
- Provide a unique name for the survey in the “Survey” field, and identify the RuleSet and version in which to save it.
- Optionally, identify any validation and pre-action associated with the survey.
- Update the Instructions field now, or after you have made your changes to the survey copy.
- Click Copy to create a copy of the survey, or Cancel to abandon your changes and close the form.
Working with question pages
To work with question pages, select Question Page in the Type selector at the top of the tab.
You can also select Survey as the Type and click Edit beside any survey to create a page in that survey, or to edit a page already included in the survey.
Creating a new question page
To create a new question page, display your surveys in the Survey Management tab, select a survey, and click Add Page. The rule form for the question page appears.
- On the Instructions tab:
- Select a Category for the page from the options offered.
- Hide the page label and/or the page instructions by checking the appropriate check boxes.
- Provide any guidance the end user may need when working with the questions on this page in the Instructions field.
- Select the validation rule to use. To create a new validation rule, click the icon beside the field.
- Specify a pre-action the system takes before displaying the page, by choosing from one of the available pre-actions listed. To create a new pre-action, click the icon to the right of the field. Click Get Params to display a modal dialog where you can provide the parameters the pre-action requires.
- On the Questions tab, specify the questions that appear on this page. Add additional question rows by clicking the + "add" button. Note that the questions appear to the end user in the order that establish in this form.
For each question:
- Specify whether the current question is Simple or Complex.
- In the Label field provide the text the end user sees with the question.
- in the Question Name field, select the question to include. To create a new question, click the icon to the right of the field and complete the form that appears. See Creating a new question, below.
- Click the Refresh check box to have the section refresh when the question is answered.
- Click the Default Hidden check box to not display this question unless display logic directs it to appear.
- Click the Blank Hidden check box to not display this question if the answer is blank.
- Click the Required check box to make answering the question required.
- Click the edit link to set or update the display logic governing this question.
To delete a question, click the trash-can icon at the right end of its row.
Click the Check for Property Conflicts button to have the system validate the questions on the page to make sure that two questions are not mapped to the same property. If the system finds multiple questions mapped to the same property, it displays an error message identifying the questions, so you can correct the issue.
- On the History tab, provide a full description of the question and any usage information, to aid in survey maintenance.
Editing an existing question page
Note: When you edit an existing question page, the changes you make affect the question page in every survey in which it currently appears.
There are two routes to editing an existing question page. Both routes allow you to edit the question page; but they display the fields for editing in different user interfaces and provide slightly different user experiences:
- Starting from a survey: In the Survey Management tab, select "Survey" as the type. Select a survey in which the page to edit appears, and click its Edit button. In the Survey Builder display of the pages in the survey you selected, click the View/Edit button related to the page you want to edit. The Edit Page form appears. See the discussion above for information on filling in the fields.
Right-click a page to display its context menu. The menu provides options to:
- Add a question: choose "Simple" or "Complex" and whether you are creating a new question or adding an existing one.
- Reorder Questions: reset the order in which the question appear on the page.
- View/Edit: to review or edit the page.
- Remove: remove the page from the survey.
- Starting from the list of question pages: In the Survey Management tab, select "Question Page" as the type. In the list of question pages, double-click the ID of the page you want to edit. The rule form for the question page appears. See the discussion above for information on filling in the fields.
Copying a question page
- Select an existing question page by one of the methods described above.
- Click the “Save as” icon at the top of the rule form to save a copy of the page.
- Provide a unique name for the page; optionally adjust the Applies To, RuleSet and Version information; and click Save As.
Working with questions
Pega Survey supports two types of questions:
- Simple questions (or simply "questions") — Questions can be of the following types:
- Radio button — The user responds to the question by clicking one of the available radio buttons to select the answer option beside it.
- Freeform — The user enters a word or phrase.
- Dynamic Dropdown Menu — The system presents a series of possible answers based on some logical setting, and the user chooses from among the presented options.
- Repeat — This option is not available in PegaSurvey, Version 6.3 SP1 and later. See the "freeform" type for complex questions.
- Show Display Text Only — The question does not get an answer. This allows the survey designer to enter explanatory blocks of text within the survey page.
- File — The user is invited to upload a file, as in "Attach your resume".
- Check box — The user can check or leave unchecked a box in response to the question, as in "Check to receive a copy of the report."
- Custom section — Select the custom section which displays the controls the end user works with to respond to the question.
- Complex questions are generally questions that allow for multiple answers, such as a list of symptoms in which the end user can make multiple selections. Complex questions can be of the following types:
- Check boxes — The question provides multiple statements and the user checks the boxes beside the statements that apply.
- Radio buttons — The question provide multiple statements and the end user clicks the radio button of the statement that best applies.
- Free form — The question could be of the form "How often do you do each of the following?" The free-form rows provide options such as swimming, biking, hiking, partying, and so on. The end user enters a number or a phrase to respond to each row. You can provide a fixed set of answer rows, or let the user dynamically add rows to adequately answer a question for which the number of required rows is not known in advance.
To see existing questions, select Question or Complex Question in the Type selector at the top of the tab.
Creating a new question
To create a new question, display your surveys in the My Surveys tab and select a survey. Right-click any of the question pages in the survey and select Add Question or Add Complex Question in the context menu.
In the form that appears:
- Top Section — Complete the following fields:
- Name — Provide a name for the question.
- RuleSet — Select a RuleSet into which to save the question.
- Version — Select a RuleSet version into which to save the question.
The Applies To field inherits its value from the Survey in which you are creating the question.
- Question tab — Provide the question the end user sees, using one of the layout options:
- Plain Text — Enter the text the user sees.
- Rich Text — Enter and format the text the user sees.
- Custom HTML — Select the custom HTML rule that presents the question text. To create a new HTML rule, click the icon beside the field.
- Section — Select the custom section that presents the question text. Click the Get Params button to display a modal dialog where you can provide the parameters the section requires.
- Answers tab — Provide the structure the for the end user to respond to the question. Depending on the question mode (described above) you select, various fields appear where you configure the answer:
- Advanced tab — configure the following optional features:
- Warning — In certain circumstances you want the user to see a warning based on an answer given, time having expired, or some other reasons. In this section, provide the When rule that governs the warning and the section that presents the message. To create new rules for either field, click the icon beside the field.
- Smart Info Reference — Select the section that populates the Smart Info display when the user hovers the mouse pointer over this question. To create a new section, click the link beside the field.
- Supporting Reference — To provide a citation or supporting documentation, fill out the fields in this section:
- Supporting Label — The label the user sees.
- Supporting Type — Choose "File" or website "URL":
- If you choose "File", a field appears where you can browse for the supporting file. When you have found it, click Upload File to upload it to the server.
- If you choose "URL", provide the complete URL to the supporting document or site in the field that appears.
- Display Logic — Configure the following optional display logic features:
- Top section — Check the check boxes of the behavior you want to include in the question:
- Required — The question must be answered before the user can continue.
- Refresh — The section display refreshes when the user completes this question and tabs to the next question or page.
- Hide on load of page — The question does not appear when the user first arrives at the page.
- Clear answer when hidden — If display logic causes the question to be hidden, any answer that has been provided is removed.
- Current Question Display Logic — Select the When rule that governs whether the question displays. To create a new When rule, click the icon beside the field. The When rule operates as soon as the user answers the question.
- Other Questions Display Logic (Only appears for simple questions) — You can set one or more logical statements that, depending on the response to the current question, govern the appearance of other questions in the survey. The When rule operates as soon as the user answers the current question.
- History tab — Provide a full description of the question and any usage information, to aid in question maintenance.
Editing an existing question
Note: When you edit an existing question page, the changes you make affect the question page in every survey in which it currently appears.
There are two ways to select a question to edit:
- In the My Surveys tab, select Survey as the type. Select a survey which contains the question to edit, expand the tree display so the question appears, and click its View/Edit button. The Edit Question form appears. See the discussion of creating a new question, for information on filling in the fields.
- In the My Surveys tab, select Question as the type. In the list of questions that appears, click the ID of the question you wish to edit. It appears in the Edit Question form. See the discussion of creating a new question for information on filling in the fields.
Copying a question
- Select an existing question.
- Click the “Save as” icon at the top of the rule form to save a copy of the question.
- Provide a unique name for the question; optionally adjust the Applies To, RuleSet and Version information.
- Click Save As.
You can create and update survey rules directly in the Designer Studio. For more information, see:
However, as a best practice, start from the controls in the landing page as they facilitate managing your survey assets. See the "Creating a new..." subsection in the relevant section above.
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