You are here: Case management > Building a form > Adding a field group to a form

Adding a field group to a form

Add a field group to a form to store the values of a group of related fields in a page data structure. For example, you can capture the first name, last name, and address of a person in the Prospective Client field group. After you add a field group to a form, you can reuse it on other forms in your case type.

To add a field group to a form:

  1. Open a case type in Case Designer.

  2. On the Life cycle tab, click an assignment or an approval step.

  3. Click Configure view.

  4. Click + Add field.

    In the autocomplete field that is displayed, enter a unique label.

    Do not use px, py, or pz prefixes in a label because they are reserved.

  5. From the first list that is displayed, select Field group.

  6. Optional: Add fields to the field group, by reusing properties in an existing class or configuring an advanced data reference.

  7. Click + Add field to [field group].

  8. Configure the single-value field.

    For more information, see: Adding a single-value field to a form.

    Note: You cannot reuse the single-value fields that you define in a field group on other forms.

  9. Click Submit.

At run time, users interact with fields based on your selected display modes. The visual appearance of each field and how its value is validated are determined by the field type.

Values from each field are stored in a page property of class [Your organization]-[Your application name]-Data-[Field group name].

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