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Java date pattern

A Java date pattern is a sequence of one or more letters that controls the presentation of a date, or date and time. For example, the pattern MM/dd/yyyy is a request for a date to be presented in the format 07/04/1976 for July 4, 1976.

The standard function rule FormatDateTime() in the PegaRULES DateTime library can convert a DateTime property value according to a Java date pattern.

These letters are most often used in a date pattern. Case is significant.

Time zones and locales can also be parameters to the FormatDateTime() function, so that the pattern "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss" with time zone 08 (Pacific) and locale EN can produce the value 2006.07.04 at 12:08:56 PDT.

For a comprehensive description of pattern syntax, consult a Java language reference for the SimpleDateFormat class.

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