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Working with the Pega 7 database
System tables

In the initial Pega 7 database schema, certain Pega 7 database tables contain instances of concrete classes derived from the System- base class.

Caution: Do not alter the mapping, schema, or structure of these tables unless advised by Pegasystems support staff.




Contains rows corresponding to instances of the System-SavedPages class.

When a user session times out, the system saves a user's entire thread context automatically in this table until that user completes a log-in challenge or an expiration timeout occurs.

The system automatically deletes rows of this table that are more than three days old.


Contains instances of the classes Pega-Portal-Developer and Pega-Portal-User, which store saved information about portal use by each connected user.


Contains instances of the System-CachedConclusion class.


Supports operations using Application-Based Assembly (ABA) caching.


Supports operations using Application-Based Assembly (ABA) caching.


Supports operations using Application-Based Assembly (ABA) caching.


Contains instances of the System-ApplicationRuleSetIndex class, which relates ruleset versions to applications that reference those ruleset versions.


Contains instances of the System-Application-Hierarchy-Flat class, which contains the "Application built-on" list for each application.


Supports rules assembly cache operations, which is a previous generation caching technology for legacy applications using the deprecated Override rulesets.


Supports rules assembly cache operations, which is a previous generation caching technology for legacy applications using the deprecated Override rulesets.


Supports rules assembly cache operations, which is a previous generation caching technology for legacy applications using the deprecated Override rulesets.


Contains instances of the Data-Rule-ClassAncestor class, which supports rule resolution.


Contains rows corresponding to instances of the System-Requestor-Context class, which is used for passivated requestors.


Contains rows corresponding to instances of the System-Declare-Changes class, which is used to support execution of declarative expression rules.


Contains rows corresponding to locks held, which are instances of the System-Locks class.


Contains rows for queued service requests from concrete classes, such as System-Queue-DefaultEntry, which are derived from the System-Queue- abstract class (except for classes explicitly mapped to another table).


Contains rows for queued unit test suite runs, which are instances of the System-Queue-TestSuite class.


Contains rows for queued connector requests, which are instances of concrete classes derived from the System-Queue-ExecutionRequest-Service- class.

See About Connector Request Processor data instances.


Contains rows for queued service requests, which are instances of concrete classes derived from the System-Queue-ExecutionRequest-Connect- class.

See About Service Request Processor data instances.


Contains rows for instances of the System-Queue-ServiceLevel class, which support event-driven processing of service-level agreement deadlines and goals by the Pega-ProCom agent.

See Understanding the Pega-ProCom agent.


Contains rows for starter flows, which are reflected in instances of the System-Queue-StartingFlows class.

Facilitates fast operation of the drop-down list of starting flows by application on application portals.


Contains rows for the VTable cache.


Contains rows for the System-RuleSet-Index class, which support improved performance by providing quick access to ruleset list has codes.


Contains one row for each participating node in the system, which correspond to instances of the System-Status-Nodes class.
This table occasionally can contain duplicate rows. This is because the true key is based on an encrypted form of the node name, the system name, and the path of the temporary directory.

Run the RemoveOldNodes activity to purge rows corresponding to nodes that have been inactive for at least 24 hours.


Contains one row for each change to the rules since the most recent pulse processing by the Pega 7 database agent. These rows correspond to instances of the System-Updates-Cache class.

When rules are updated and added to the cache, this table is scanned by a trigger, and the table is emptied when cache processing completes.

See Understanding the PegaRULES agent.


Contains rows of the System-Work-Index class, which identify work items that need re-indexing for full-text search.


Contains one row for each rule delegation, which correspond to instances of the System-User-MyRules class.


Contains rows for queued column population jobs, which are instances of the System-Job-PropertyOptimization class reported on the Column Population Jobs tab of the Database landing page.

See System category — Database landing page.

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Working with the Pega 7 database