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More about Guided Tour rules

  1. About 
  2. New 
  3. Definition 
  4. Presentation 
  5. History 
  6. More... 

Starting and continuing a tour

You configure any action control with an API script to start or continue a guided tour.

Do the following:

  1. Open the Actions tab on the control cell properties panel.
  2. Click the Create an action set button.
  3. Click Add an event and select the event.
  4. Click Add an action.
  5. In the menu, click all actions and select Run script.
  6. In the Function Name field enter one of the following (enclosed in quotes ""):
  7. In the Parameters area, specify the guided tour you want to run. Enter the following parameter values:
  8. Save the control.

Tour stop navigation

The tour stop window contains the following navigation buttons based upon where it is displayed in the tour sequence:

A window remains open until the user clicks either:

Automatically starting a tour

You can automatically start a guided tour by including and configuring the pxGuidedTourAutoStart control in a section. To add the control:

  1. Click in the cell where you would like to include the control and then click the gear to view the cell property panel.
  2. Click change.
  3. Select other.
  4. In the Select a control field, select pxGuidedTourAutoStart.
  5. Fill out the following fields on the Parameters tab:
  6. Submit the cell properties configuration and save the section.

Users must have Data-Preference-Operator write permissions or the tour will not start. This is used to record a user's tour history.

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