You are here: User interface > User interface rules > Harness and section forms > Harness and Section forms - Adding purpose-specific controls
Harness and section forms - Adding a Purpose-Specific control
Purpose-specific controls provide the optimal formatting for displaying particular types of data such as currency, date, decimal numbers, and so on.
A purpose-specific control is a specialized Formatted text control.
Adding a purpose-specific control
- Click the down-arrow in the
menu and select any control.
- Drag the control into the layout and release the pointer button to drop the control.
- Select the cell containing the rule and click
to open its Cell Properties panel.
- In the Cell Properties panel, click the change link to open a panel showing different control types.

- Select a control from the Purpose specific list.
The Cell Properties panel shows the type of control you've selected and changes the General and Presentation options according to the control's data type.
- On the Cell Properties panel, define the purpose-specific control using the following tabs:
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