You are here: Case management > Modeling advanced processes > Adding an advanced shape to a flow > Configuring a Split Join shape

Configuring a Split Join shape

Use the Split Join shape to require that multiple subprocesses of your flow be completed before the current flow continues execution. This allows subprocesses to execute asynchronously, in parallel.

For example, a mortgage application workflow may require that facts about the home buyers be validated, and that a title search be completed. These two tasks are unrelated and can be performed in subprocesses that proceed independently and in parallel. Other processing later in the primary flow can require that both these two subprocesses complete.

For a working example, see Work-.ParallelWork.

The Split Join shape causes processing of a work item to split into two or more independent flow executions that operate asynchronously and then later rejoin. During execution of a Split Join shape, the flow rule that contains the Split Join shape is known as the parent process flow; each of the split flows is called a subprocess.

  1. Double-click the Split Join shape.

  2. Enter values on the Details section of the property panel, as described in the table below.

  3. Click the down arrow beside Specify a Flow Rule for this Subprocess to display the fields for each subprocess.

  4. Enter values on the Subprocess, Flow Input, and Flow Output tabs as described in the tables below.

  5. Click OK to close the property panel.

  6. Hover on an existing shape in the flow and drag a connector from it to the Split Join shape.

  7. Hover on the Split Join shape and drag a connector to an existing shape in the flow, unless a parallel process resolves a case and does not return to the flow.

Tip: Right-click a Split Join shape to view more configuration options.

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