Process tab on the Flow form
Complete this tab to determine how the system processes work items using this flow. (Certain fields on this tab apply only when is a starting flow — one that creates a new case.) Optionally, you can specify privileges or when condition rules that restrict execution of the flow.
You can start and run a process in a modal dialog using an action control (button, link, or icon), or a navigation rule. Some settings on this tab are ignored when used in modal flows as noted below. See Controls form — Completing the Controls tab.
The following fields are available in the Start settings section of the form.
Field |
Description |
Can be added to a work object? |
Appears only if a case type record has not been defined in this work class. Select to allow this flow to be started (applied to) on an open work item created by a previous flow execution. Users can select this flow from the Add Work sub-menu in the Other Actions menu on the standard Perform harness. Optional. When this box is selected, complete the Parameters tab to define any parameter values needed when the flow is started. |
Creates a new work object? |
Select if this flow, when started, creates a new work item. Informally, flows that create new work items are called starter, starting, or top-level processes. This check box is not available if one or more starter flows are defined on the case type rule (Starting Processes list on the Case Type rule form's Processes tab) that is associated with this flow's Applies To class or there is no case type record in this class. If the check box is not available, you can designate this flow as a starter process by adding it to the list in the case type rule. See Case Type rules — Completing the Processes tab. Note: When you create a case type either in the Case Type Explorer or in Application Express, the system generates a default starter flow, pyStartCase, and populates the Starting Processes list on the case type rule. Users who hold at least one of the privileges listed in the Privileges array on this tab may start the flow from the Case Manager portal, or user forms. See Using the Case Type Explorer. Choose text that will be meaningful to users selecting a process. This field is not available for a flow with a Category of Note: This setting is ignored if this flow is used in a modal flow, which does not create a pzInsKey value ( pyID). See modal flows. Work type labelsWhen the Creates a new work object? box on the Process tab is selected, the text in the Description field on the flow appears to application users as a work type label. The Description texts appear in the New selection box on the Process Work navigation panel, one for each flow checked. Enter a Description value that is unique within your application and meaningful to application users. If your application is to support users in multiple locales, choose a Description text carefully and maintain a list of these text values. When practical, choose a text value already included in a language pack, to simplify later localization. See About the Localization wizard. |
Document as starting process? | Check this box when the Start Settings values is False, or the Creates a new work item? check box is clear (not selected) and you want the flow to appear as a starting flow on the application document or application profile. |
Open Case Type Definition |
This button appears if there is a Case Type record in the same work class. Click to open the form. |
The following fields are available in the Case creation settings section of the form.
Field |
Description |
Work Object Creation Settings | This area appears only if this flow is listed as a starting flow on a Case Type form, or the Creates a new work object? check box is selected. Does not appear for screen flows. |
Temporary object? |
Select to indicate that this flow creates a temporary work item. A temporary work item is created and resolved by a single operator or by straight-through processing and is never saved as a database object. Use this option only in appropriate situations, as reporting, history, and attachment features are not available for temporary cases. The following restrictions apply:
Modal flows If the primary page on which a modal flow is running has a pzInskey value or pyID, then this setting is used as follows:
Skip create harness? |
Select to indicate that the application can create a work item from properties defined in a data transform and with processing by the NewDefaults activity, without other sources of property values. 5.2 When selected:
Look for an assignment to perform after create? |
Select to check for another assignment for the same work item (and same flow execution) on the user's worklist. This feature is sometimes called back-to-back assignment processing. The system only finds and presents assignments that the current user is qualified to perform and for which the value of Assign-.pyActionTime is past. Clear this box to always use the settings assignment is not being performed settings. As a best practice, select this box. In many situations, two or more assignments may be open for one work item, assigned to the same person. This box is analogous to the Look for an assignment to perform after create? check box on the flow action Action tab. |
Also consider an assignment in a workbasket ? |
This box appears when the Look for an assignment to perform after create? box is selected. Select to include assignments in workbaskets in the search for back-to-back assignment processing. The search scope expands to examine the assignments in the workbaskets associated with the user's work group (through the Work Group field on the Workbasket tab of the Workbasket form), as well as assignments on the user's worklist. Clear this box to bypass a workbasket search. Optionally, your application can override the detailed search criteria that the system uses when this box is selected. The standard decision tree Assign-Workbasket.PerformCriteria defines these criteria. |
If an assignment is not being performed |
Indicate what the system is to present to users if no check for assignments occurs, or search occurs but none is found. Select:
Harness |
Optional. Identify the second key part — Purpose — of a harness to identify the rule that the system presents when a user begins to enter a work item for this flow. (The system uses the Applies To key part of this flow as the first key part of the harness.) If you leave this blank, the system looks for a harness with When this flow is picked from the Add Work drop-down of a cover that has had its list populated by a case type rule, this field is ignored and the standard harness NewCovered is shown instead. Note: This setting is ignored in modal flows. |
Data transform |
Optional. Identify the second key part — Name — of a data transform that the system is to apply to each new work item created with this flow. (To find available data transforms, the system uses the Applies To key part of the flow as the first key part of the data transform.) If you leave this blank, the system looks for a data transform named |
Work parties |
Optional. Identify the second key part — WorkParty — of a work party rule to define which party roles can participate in a work item. (To find available work parties, the system uses the Applies To key part of the flow as the first key part of the work party rule.) If you leave this blank, the system looks for a work party named |
Cover Class |
These fields are not available if Temporary object? is selected. Temporary work items cannot be members of a cover. Note: If this specified class rule is a cover, you can create a case type rule (Rule-Obj-CaseType) that applies to this class. You use a case type rule to define covered classes, and it enables you to cover other cover objects and their children. The rule simplifies the process of designating covered objects. If this class rule is referenced by a case type rule in a cover class, do not enter values in this field. In this situation, a warning appears stating that the settings are in this section are overridden by the case type rule. The warning does not prevent validation and normal flow processing. |
Harness for sub task |
Optional. Identify the second key part — the Purpose — of the harness displayed when a user enters a new work item that will become a member of the cover. (The class identified in this row provides the Applies To key part.) If there is a related case type rule, the system uses the NewCovered harness . |
Data transform for sub task |
Identify the second key part of a data transform — the Name — that you want applied when a work item of the specified Cover Class is created. The class identified in this row provides the Applies To key part. If there is a related case type rule, the data transform specified in the Data transform field (not the one specified here) is used. |
Start Flow |
After you complete this rule and save it, click Start Flow to test the rule. |
The following fields are available in the Supporting process settings section of the form.
Field |
Description |
Supporting Process Settings |
This area appears if this flow has been defined as a supporting process on the Processes tab of the case type rule for this flow's Applies To class. The settings enable the system to automatically search for a waiting assignment (either on the user's worklist or in an application workbasket) and display its Perform harness to the user. Users who hold at least one of the privileges listed in the Privileges array on this tab may work on the assignment. |
Look for an assignment to perform after add? | Select so that main flow searches for an assignment on the user's worklist when the supporting process starts. If one is found, the system automatically opens the assignment's Perform harness. |
Also consider an assignment in a workbasket? | Appears if you select Look for an assignment to perform after add?. Select so that the main flow also searches for assignments in workbaskets. If a workbasket assignment is found the system automatically opens the assignment's Perform harness. |
When Name |
For example, you can restrict such executions to mornings only, or to only those users in a specific department. If the conditions are not met, the Unable to authorize flow execution error condition appears after you submit the new user form. When multiple when conditions are defined, all must evaluate to true for the flow to proceed. |
The following fields are available in the Service level agreement section of the form.
Field |
Description |
Name |
Enter a service-level agreement to associate a goal and deadline with this process. The service-level agreement when the process begins and ends when the process is complete or otherwise stopped. See Service-level agreement. A step service-level agreement for this flow overrides the service-level agreement in this field. |
The following fields are available in the Start conditions section of the form.
Field |
Description |
When name |
Select a when condition that defines when the flow is run or skipped at run time. |
The following fields are available in the Security section of the form.
Field |
Description |
Security |
Security restrictions on flows can limit how the flow may be executed. Order is not significant in these two arrays. Note: Technically, if Creates a new work item is selected, flow execution only begins when a user submits a completed New user form. The system evaluates the restrictions in this array when the flow starts, rather than before the flow starts. As a result, if a user does not hold any of the privileges listed here, or at least one of the when condition rules is false, an Unable to authorize flow execution error condition appears after the New user form is submitted. |
Privilege Class |
Privilege Name |
Optional. Enter the second key part — Privilege — of a privilege rule to limit which users can create or update a work item with this flow. The system uses the Privilege Class and Privilege Name values with class inheritance to look for the privilege rule. When the privilege array is not blank, a user must hold at least one of the privileges listed to use this flow. |