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XML Stream form
Completing the Mapping tab

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If the Auto-generated XML option is checked on the XML tab, a graphical tree layout appears on the Mapping tab. The tree structure allows you to define how the clipboard values referenced in the individual tree nodes will be converted to XML stream data.

In the tree structure, element marks an element, marks a repeating element, and marks an attribute.



Allow tree editing?

Enables the XML data to be edited using the tree control.

Add Attribute Add an attribute to the selected element.
Add Element Add a child element to the selected element.
Delete Delete an element or attribute and all of its child elements or attributes.

Double-click a tree node to display the User Data panel for the node.

User Data panel - Basics



Node Name

Enter the attribute or element name that will appear in the generated XML stream content.

Node Type

Specify if the selected node is an Element or Attribute.

User Data panel — Mapping tab



Mapping Mode

Choose the method used to map XML elements to properties:

  • Standard — Auto-generate XML stream content based on the values listed in the selected node and any of its child nodes.
  • Literal XML — Insert the literal content of the Source Property into the XML stream instead of auto-generating XML content for the selected element.
  • Apply Rule — Insert the content of an existing XML stream instead of generating XML content for the selected element.
  • Note: You must define the component parse rule on the Context class of the node from which it is referenced.

Context Page

Optional. Specify a page listed on the Pages & Classes tab to be used as the source for the XML stream data. You may also specify an embedded Page or Page List property of the node’s context class. Use a Page List property for mapping when the Repeating flag is set on the Node tab of the User Data panel.

Context Class

Read-only. Lists the class of the page or property in the Context Page field. If a context page is not specified on the selected node, the value defaults to the context class of the selected node’s parent. The context class of the root node is the class that the stream rule applies to.

Source Property

Used only for Standard and Literal XML mapping modes. Specify the property to map the XML node from. You may specify a Single Value or Value List property.

Stream Name

Used only for the Apply Rule mapping mode. Specify the XML Stream name to map the node from.

XML Type

Used only for the Apply Rule mapping mode. Enter the XML type of the stream chosen to map the XML node from.

User Data panel — Node tab



Node Namespace

Optional. Enter the namespace URI value that will be used to add a namespace prefix to the element tag in the generated XML stream content. If not provided, the element tag will not have a prefix and will not be namespace-qualified.


Select this option to prevent the element or attribute from being added to the generated XML stream content when there is no clipboard data to be mapped.


Select this option if the element may appear more than once at this position in the XML stream content. If selected, provide a Page List property reference in the Context Page field or a Value List reference in the Source Property field to populate the XML instance with repeating clipboard data.


Select this option to add an empty tag containing the xsi:nil attribute to the generated XML stream content of an XML Stream rule when there is no clipboard data to be mapped. This option is only applicable if the Optional option is not checked.


Indicates whether this element or its content can be substituted at run time using a different element or complex definition. This has no impact on XML stream generation, but may indicate that further configuration needs to be done to provide the correct results.

User Data panel — Type tab



XSD Base Type

Optional. Specify a built-in XSD primitive type. This value does not impact stream generation unless the Use SOAP 1.1 encoding option on the XML tab is selected. If this
option is selected, the value is added to the element tag of the selected node as an xsi:type attribute.

Note: XSD date, dateTime, and time values use a special formatting that is distinct from Pega Date, DateTime, and TimeOfDay property value formatting. For these XSD types, the value specified in this field alters stream rule generation to convert the property value to the XSD format before adding it to the XML stream.

XSD datattypes

Type Name

Optional. Specify the custom type name used to define this node. This value does not impact stream generation unless the Use SOAP 1.1 encoding option on the XML tab is selected. If this option is selected, the value is added to the element tag of the selected node as an xsi:type attribute. This value overrides the XSD Base Type value.

Type Namespace

Optional. Specify the namespace URI value of the custom type used to define this node. This value does not impact stream generation unless the Use SOAP 1.1 encoding option on the XML tab is selected. If this option is selected, the value is added to the element tag of the selected node as an xsi:type attribute.

Default Value

Optional. Specify a value that will be used in the XML stream content when there is no clipboard data to be mapped. If a value is specified, it overrides the behavior of the Optional? and Nillable options on the Node tab.

Is SOAP array

Select this option to add a soapenc:arrayType attribute to the selected element tag for use in an encoded SOAP message. The Use SOAP 1.1 encoding option must be selected to enable this feature.

If checked, this element should have as its immediate child a repeating element tag that represents the array values. The repeating element tag should be mapped to a Page List property (using the Context page field), or to a Value List property (using the Source Property field).

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