Select a Question Mode from the options offered. Depending on your selection, further fields appear.
Mode selected
Additional fields
- Property Name - Use SmartPrompt to locate and select the property name this answer represents.
- Default — Select the property to provide the default value for this answer. To create a new property to provide the default, click the icon beside the field.
- Format — Select the format in which the user provides the response. The options are
- Text — A text entry field
- TextArea — A multi-line text input field for providing a longer answer. Additional fields appear where you specify the number of rows and columns in the control.
- Date — A control for selecting a date.
- DateTime — A control for selecting a date and time.
- Edit Validate — Select the Edit-Validate rule with which to validate the answer. To create a new Edit-Validate rule, click the icon beside the field.
- Validation — Select the validation rule to use. To create a new validation rule, click the icon beside the field.
- Size – The width of the text field.
Radio Buttons
- Property Name — Use SmartPrompt to locate and select the property name this answer represents.
- Answer Layout — The options are:
- Question above, answer below
- Question and answer adjacent to each other
- Direction — Select
Horizontal or Vertical .
- Number of Items Before Wrap — Enter the number of radio buttons in a row (horizontal) or column (vertical) in the display.
In the grid, add a row for each radio button that appears. Set the values for each item:
- When — Optional. Select a When rule that governs whether this answer appears.
- Display Value — The radio button label.
- Value — The value of this option. This is the value that gets copied to the clipboard when the button is clicked.
- Score — If you have established a scoring system for the survey's questions, the value for this answer goes here.
- Selected — Select this option to have the radio button selected when the user reaches this question. Only one radio button in the group can be selected.
Dropdown Menu
- Property Name — Use SmartPrompt to locate and select the property name this answer represents.
- Answer Layout — The options are:
- Question above, answer below
- Question and answer adjacent to each other
In the grid, add a row for each item in the drop-down menu. Set the values for each item:
- When — Optional. Select a When rule that governs whether this answer appears.
- Display Value — The radio button label.
- Value — The value of this option. This is the value that gets copied to the clipboard when the button is clicked.
- Score — If you have established a scoring system for the survey's questions, the value for this answer goes here.
Dynamic Dropdown Menu
The system dynamically creates the entries in the menu, depending on the settings you specify:
- Property Name — Use SmartPrompt to locate and select the property name this answer represents.
- Answer Layout — The options are:
- Question above, answer below
- Question and answer adjacent to each other
- Common Dynamic Select Information — Provide the following information:
- Select ID — The name of this control.
- Default Caption — The value or hint that appears by default.
- Property for Option Display — The property in the data source that provides the caption for each option.
- Property for Option Value — The property in the data source that provides the value for each option.
- Enable Caching — Set this to Yes (the default) to cache results during a session. Set it to No to re-run the report or Activity each time the question is used.
This option is not available in PegaSurvey, Version 6.3 SP1 and later. To provide a list-type answer mode, use a complex question with the answer type set to "freeform". |
- Property Name — Use SmartPrompt to locate and select the property name this answer represents.
- Answer Layout — The options are:
- Question above, answer below
- Question and answer adjacent to each other
- Score — If you have established a scoring system for the survey's questions, provide a value for this answer.
Answer Layout — The options are:
- Question above, answer below
- Question and answer adjacent to each other
The user sees an option to upload a file from the local computer. You do not need to configure anything.
Show Display Text Only
Answer Layout — The options are:
- Question above, answer below
- Question and answer adjacent to each other
Custom Section
- Answer Layout — The options are:
- Question above, answer below
- Question and answer adjacent to each other
- Custom Section — Select the custom section that provides the answer mode for this question. To create a new custom section, click the icon beside the field. Click Get Params to get any parameters the section requires.