Some advanced settings for the Subprocess shape are not displayed in Case Designer. You can access these settings in Process Modeler by double-clicking a subprocess in a flow diagram.
Define flow
Identify the objects the flow is to update. Select:
On Current page to continue processing on the current (unresolved) work item in the next flow
On specific work item to start processing on a different work item.
On Embedded Page when this flow is part of a Split Join operation.
Work property
Enter a property reference in the current work item that identifies the key (.pzInsKey property) of the other work item. Leave this field blank if (when this shape is reached) the other work item is already open as a page on the clipboard.
Select the class (work type) of the "other" work item.
Identify the class (such as the work type) of the embedded page. You can enter a property reference or expression here.
Page name
Optional. If (when this shape is reached) the other work item is on the clipboard, enter the page name that holds it. If the other work item is not on the clipboard, enter the page name to be created that holds it. When you leave this field blank but complete the Work Property field, the system opens the work item on a page named pyNextObj (or pyNextObj_1 , and so on).
To start the flow execution, the current requestor must hold a lock on the work item. (If the current requestor does not hold or cannot acquire this lock, the system starts a problem flow rather than the designated flow.)
Page property
Enter a reference to the property (of mode Page , Page List , or Page Group ) that holds the embedded page.
Audit note
Press the Down Arrow key and select the name of a field value that is added to the history, or audit trail, of the case when the Subprocess shape is processed.
Spinoff flow
Select this check box to run the subprocess in parallel with the calling process.