You are here: Data creation and management > Data type management > Importing data for a data type

Importing data for a data type

You can import a .csv file to add or update data for a data type:

  1. Click the Data icon in the Explorer panel to display the Data Explorer.
  2. Click the data type for which you want to import data to display it in the Data Designer.
  3. Click the Records tab.
  4. From the Actions menu next to the Source field, click Import.
  5. Upload a .csv file for data import.
  6. Map the fields in your data type with the fields in the .csv file.
  7. Select Skip default data type validation in the Import records step of the import process if you want to disable the validation of the data type by using validate rules.
  8. Note: The system always does the basic type checking (string, integer, date, and so on) for imported fields. If you clear this check box, the data import process runs the default validate rule of the data type on each record that is imported, which causes the import to take a longer time. Hence, it is a best practice to clear this check box only when needed.

  9. Click Import. A dialog box listing the time taken for the import, the number of records created and updated, and the errors in the import is displayed.
  10. At this point, you can close the dialog box for the data import process. The process runs asynchronously and is visible on your worklist.

  11. Click Finish.
  12. Click Refresh from the Actions menu to see the new and updated data for your data type.