To ensure successful delegation, it is recommended that you:
Delegate rule types that managers are most likely to learn and understand such as:
Case match, Collection, Constraints, Decision table, Decision tree, Declare Expression, Flow, Flow action, Service-level agreement, Map value, and When condition.
Choose record names and labels that are meaningful in the business context.
Isolate delegated rules in a separate, unlocked ruleset or a ruleset that does not require checkouts.
This insulates the rest of your application, which typically resides in locked rulesets, from frequent changes made by managers or other delegates.
Provide appropriate training and documentation to line managers.
Do not edit instances of System-User-MyRules directly. Use one of the Edit Favorites options mentioned above instead.
Note: You can migrate favorites from one system to another by creating a product rule that includes instances of the System-User-MyRules class. The access group and operator ID instances referenced by each favorite must be present in the destination system for the import to succeed.