You are here: Alerts > Viewing or downloading the Alert log > Alert format

Alert format

Each line of the log contains multiple fields, delimited by a single asterisk character. Each line contains the following fields. The first column of the table is the Excel column after you have imported the file into Excel.




A Timestamp Date and time of the alert event in UTC format.
B Version Displays the header version for the alert. For example, "8".
C Message ID Identifier of alert type, for example PEGA0011.
D KPI Value Observed duration in milliseconds or count of value, known as the key performance indicator.
E KPI Threshold Threshold value for this alert type, in milliseconds or count.
F ServerID Node ID for the node that is the source of the alert event.
G Tenant Name The tenant name if the alert occurred on a multitenant system, N/A otherwise.
H Tenant Hash The tenant hash if the alert occurred on a multitenant system, N/A otherwise.
I Requestor ID

Session identifier; the first letter (A, B, H, or P) identifies the requestor type.

  • A - requestor is being used by an application
  • B - batch requestor used by agent processing
  • H - requestor is being used by a user (HTTP interaction)
  • P - requestor is used for portlet support
J User ID Operator ID of requestor, or none.
K Work pool Work pool that the requestor uses, or none.
L Rule application name version Rule application and version used at the time of the alert.
M Encoded Ruleset Hash code identifying the requestors ruleset list.
N Checkout Enabled Y indicates that the activity in the Activity field is in a personal ruleset; that a developer has checked out the activity.
O Interaction number For alerts from browser sessions, the interaction number (as it appears on the Performance tool display).
P Correlation ID ID used to filter messages arriving on the request queue. By default, the requestor ID.
Q Sequence Sequence number for this alert in the log; unique within this log.
R Thread Internal name of the PRThread instance, or NA if this alert is not from a Thread.
S Pega Thread Name The name of the Pega thread on which the alert happened.
T Logger Java class that produced the alert instance.
U Stack An indicator in the engine process that shows the processing state when the message occurred. (Not available for all alerts.)
V Last Input For alerts from interactive requestors, a portion of the URL received in the most recent interaction. Typically the text Stream= or Activity= and the name of an activity or stream rule run by the URL.
W First Activity For alerts from interactive requestors, the first activity or stream run by this requestor in the current interaction. (This activity or stream may or may not have caused the alert.)
X Last Step If the First Activity field identifies an activity, this field identifies the step number last completed, when available.
Y Reserved Reserved.
Z Reserved Reserved.
AA Reserved Reserved.
AB Reserved Reserved.
AC Trace List Colon-delimited string containing the most recent 50 operations of this requestor before the alert event. Each operation consists of two subfields in the format number:value:.
AD PAL data For some Message ID types, a set of selected of Performance tool statistics at the time of the alert. A colon delimited string in the format propertyname:value:. Values are in milliseconds, bytes, or counts.
AE Primary page class The class of the primary page at the time of the alert.
AF Primary page name The name of the primary page at the time of the alert.
AG Step page class The class of the step page at the time of the alert.
AH Step page name The name of the step page at the time of the alert.
AI Pega stack The Pega stack at the time of the alert.
AJ Parameter page The clipboard page data found on the parameter page at the time of the alert.
AK Line A text description of the alert.