You are here: Pega 7 Platform Database > Database tables and columns > Table types > Miscellaneous tables

Miscellaneous tables

The following Pega 7 Platform database tables support fast startup, BIX, templorary file directories, AES, and classes that are not supported in other tables..



pr_assembledclasses Supports fast startup by saving assembled Java classes for applications in your system. See static assembler.
pr_engineclasses Contains foundation Java classes that are part of internals. Storing classes in the database facilitates startup and maintenance, and helps assure that each node in a cluster is using identical code.
pr_extract_time Supports logging and dynamic selection of rows by Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX). Not used unless BIX is installed.
pr_file_store Contains rows that index the Common/StaticContent directories and file structure within the temporary file directory. These directories contain JavaScript and CSS files extract from rules (such as Rule-File-Text or Rule-HTML-Fragment rules) plus images (JPG, GIF, PNG) extracted from Rule-File-Binary rules. See static content.
pr_portal_state Contains saved instances of the Pega-Portal-Developer and Pega-Portal-User classes.
pegaam_alert Supports Autonomic Event Services. Not used unless AES is installed.
pc_events Contains instances of Pega-Event and Pega-Event-* classes.

Contains business event subscriptions, instances of the Pega-CEP-Subscription class.

Note: Business events are deprecated.


Supports business event processing, with instances of the Pega-CEPEventsLookup class.

Note: Business events are deprecated.

pc_cep_events_repository Contains instances of the Pega-Event-System-Action class.
pr_cep_events_queue System-Queue-Events