You are here: Pega 7 Platform Database > Database tables and columns > Property optimization > Column Populator properties

Column Populator properties

The properties for the Column Populator are set in the file.

The pzInsKey range values limit the number of rows returned when using a character sort, not a numerical sort. To process a set of work objects that have similar pzInsKey numerical values, it is recommended that you use date ranges for limiting the range of rows to return.

Use the following properties to specify how the utility assembles a list classes to be processed. Refer to Example column property configurations for examples of how to complete these properties.




Optional. List one or more concrete classes to be processed, separated by commas.


Optional. True or False. If true and a listed class has concrete subclasses (based on pattern inheritance), the subclasses are automatically added to the list of classes to be processed.


Optional. If you entered one or more classes in the expose.classes.included property, you can exclude specific subclasses by listing them here. Only instances of the exact class listed are excluded. For example, if you included Rule- classes with descendants you can use this property to filter specific classes.


Optional. True or False. If true and a class listed to be excluded has concrete subclasses (based on pattern inheritance), the subclasses are automatically added to the list of classes to be excluded.


True or False. Set to true to regenerate Index- instances derived from the instances specified, based on Declare Index rules.

To expose property references, set expose.reindex=true.


Specify the rulesets to process:

  • full — process Pega and non-Pega rulesets
  • pega — process only Pega rulesets
  • nonpega — process only non-Pega rulesets

In most cases, enter nonpega. You do not need to process Pega rulesets unless you are instructed to process them by Global Customer Support.


Optional. You can restrict which instances are processed using the handle or an initial portion of a handle. Enter the lowest pzInsKey value to be processed, in double quotes.

If you provide a pzInsKey range, specify only a single class in the Include classes field, and leave the other include/exclude class fields blank.


Optional. You can restrict which instances are processed using the handle or an initial portion of a handle. Enter the highest pzInsKey value to be processed, enclosed in double quotes.

If you provide a pzInsKey range, specify only a single class in the Include classes field, and leave the other include/exclude class fields blank.


Optional. You can restrict which instances are processed based on creation date. Enter a start date value in YYYYMMDD format.

Leave blank if the Starting pzInsKey or Ending pzInsKey fields are not blank.


Optional. You can restrict which instances are processed based on creation date. Enter an end date value in YYYYMMDD format. The end date cannot be the same as the start date. Leave at least one day between the dates. For example,



Leave blank if the Starting pzInsKey or Ending pzInsKey fields are not blank.

expose.declareIndex.accessgroup Specifies the access group in which the Rule-Declare-Index of the class being exposed exists. It is used when pega.username or pega.password is not provided.
expose.commitRate Specifies how often to commit to the database.
expose.numOfThreads Specifies the number of threads to use. The default is the number of classes being updated if no value is specified. When updating large sets of data, set the number of threads to a higher value.