You are here: Mobile > Custom mobile app > Troubleshooting > Clearing local storage

Clearing local storage

Follow the steps shown below to clear all the items currently stored in the queue (local storage) for the custom mobile app, if you are online and are connected to the server.

Clicking the Clear storage button means that a full synchronization will be automatically started for the app. This button is helpful when making a section or a navigation change, since you no longer have to delete the cache and restart the app.

  1. Log in to the custom mobile app.
  2. Click SettingsLocal storage from the menu.
  3. A page displays all the items that are currently stored in the custom mobile app queue (local storage).
  4. Click Clear storage.

After clicking this button you need to wait until the synchronization has completed before navigating to another screen. If the synchronization does not complete and you cannot open any page:

Note: This page is only available for a custom mobile app that has been created with the offline capability.