You are here: Project delivery > Documenting applications, application profiles, or specifications > Document Application tool > Adding custom chapters and subchapters

Adding custom chapters and subchapters

You can add chapters and subchapters to customize the table of contents in documents generated by the Document Application tool.

  1. Open the Document Application tool by clicking Application > Tools > Document from the Designer Studio menu.
  2. Select the document that you want to customize. You can customize a new document, or modify an existing document in the Saved document configurations list.
  3. Inspect the chapter preview. Each row represents a chapter or subchapter.
  4. Select a row to precede your new chapter or subchapter.
  5. Select one of the following options from the Edit menu:
  6. In the Chapter details window, specify the source of your custom content:
  7. Click Save. The chapter preview refreshes to include the new chapter or subchapter.