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More about Application rules

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  3. Definition 
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Where used at runtime

During log in, the system assembles a ruleset list for a user from application rules referenced in:

When effective

In a production setting, use care in updating application rules. After you save an Application form, active requestor sessions on the current node that are associated with that application are immediately updated, the equivalent of logging out and logging in again. This can affect not only the ruleset list of these requestor sessions but other security and operational factors determined during log in, such as locale, organization, and operator availability. Requestor sessions at other nodes in a cluster are similarly updated when the next system pulse occurs on their node.

Security audits

Using the optional security audit feature, your application can present in the History Details display which values were added, updated, or removed from this rule when it was saved.

Version locking

Caution: Although application rules are associated with a ruleset, they do not belong to any specific version of that ruleset. Locking a ruleset version (by selecting the Lock this Version check box) does not prevent later changes to application rules associated with the ruleset.

Clipboard page

The reserved page Application on the clipboard holds most of the contents of a requestor's current application rule.