You are here: Reference > Rule types > Adaptive Models > Adding model identifiers

Adding model identifiers

Model identifiers are properties from the top level SR class of your application. You select them on the Context tab of the Adaptive Model form to define the model context. The ADM server uses combination of model identifiers to create adaptive models. When you create an instance of the Adaptive Model rule, there are five default model identifiers (.pyIssue, .pyGroup, .pyName, .pyDirection, .pyChannel). You can keep them or define your own identifiers.

  1. Open or create an instance of the Adaptive Model rule.
  2. Click the Context tab and add a model identifier.

    1. Click Add model identifier.
    2. In the Name field, select a property from the SR class.
  3. Click Save.

When you define your own model context, you can execute a strategy that references this Adaptive Model rule instance to create adaptive models that you need. After you execute the strategy, on the Adaptive Models Management landing page, you can view what adaptive models were created.