Use the Facebook data set to filter Facebook posts according to the keywords that you specify. First, create a Facebook data to connect with the Facebook API. Next, reference the data set from a data flow and use the Free Text Model rule to analyze the text-based content of Facebook posts.
Before you create a Facebook data set, register on the Facebook developers site and create a Facebook application. The application provides the App ID and App secret details that you need to specify in the Facebook data set.
Caution: Do not reference one instance of the Facebook data set in multiple data flows. Stopping one of such data flows, stops the Facebook data set in the other data flows.
Note: The Applies-to class for Facebook data sets must always be Data-Social-Facebook.
Note: To ensure that the Facebook connectors always fetch new Facebook posts, you must provide a valid Facebook Page Token.
Note: Configure this information if you want to retrieve either historical posts or posts that were not retrieved as a result of a system failure.
Note: See the Graph API documentation for information about limitations when specifying keywords and authors.