You are here: Reference > Rule types > Data Set > Creating a Facebook data set record

Creating a Facebook data set record

Use the Facebook data set to filter Facebook posts according to the keywords that you specify. First, create a Facebook data to connect with the Facebook API. Next, reference the data set from a data flow and use the Free Text Model rule to analyze the text-based content of Facebook posts.


Before you create a Facebook data set, register on the Facebook developers site and create a Facebook application. The application provides the App ID and App secret details that you need to specify in the Facebook data set.

Caution: Do not reference one instance of the Facebook data set in multiple data flows. Stopping one of such data flows, stops the Facebook data set in the other data flows.

  1. In Designer Studio, click +Create > Data Model > Data Set.
  2. Enter the data set label and identifier.
  3. From the Type list, select Facebook.
  4. Specify the ruleset, Applies-to class, and ruleset version of the data set.

    Note: The Applies-to class for Facebook data sets must always be Data-Social-Facebook.

  5. Click Create and open.
  6. On the Facebook tab, complete the Access details section with the information from your Facebook application:

    Note: To ensure that the Facebook connectors always fetch new Facebook posts, you must provide a valid Facebook Page Token.

  7. In the Search section, specify the time period during which Facebook posts were made to retrieve the those posts. For example, you can retrieve Facebook posts made within the last 24 hours.

    Note: Configure this information if you want to retrieve either historical posts or posts that were not retrieved as a result of a system failure.

  8. In the Facebook page URL's section, click Add URL, and enter the name of one or more Facebook pages for which you want to analyze text-based content.
  9. Optional: In the Ignore section, click Add author and enter the names of users whose posts you want to ignore.

    Note: See the Graph API documentation for information about limitations when specifying keywords and authors.

  10. Click Save.