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Visual Business Director (VBD) planner

VBD planner is an HTML5 web-based application that you can use to assess the success of your business strategy. The planner provides a three-dimensional (3-D) graphical view of different dimensions and key performance indicators (KPIs), such as accept rate, conversion rate, average price, volume, number accepted, or number of processed responses. When you open VBD, the pyGetConfiguration activity under the Data-Decision-VBD-Configuration class gathers the information required to render the planner. This information (dimensions, properties, and KPIs) is retrieved from Interaction History and forms the basis for visualizing decision results and monitoring KPIs with the graphical view.

The VBD planner includes these elements:

Note:  If you previously used the applet mode of the VBD planner, you can still enable it in the Visual Business Director nodes tab.


VBD supports making projections based on simulation data generated by running interaction rules that write results to VBD. To use this functionality, the customer sample used in forecasting is based on customer data. This data also needs to provide a table view with the case ID column.