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Designer Studio — Application menu

Click the name of your current application to access the Application menu. This menu is available in the header of the Designer Studio.

The follow options are available:

Menu item


Open Overview

Open the Application Overview landing page.

This landing page displays an executive summary application details, such as business objectives, actors, assumptions, and specifications.

Open Application

Open the Application form for your current application.

Open Mobile Apps

Open the Mobile Apps form for your current application.

Open Application Skin

Open the Skin form for your current application.

New Application

Start the New Application wizard, which is a tool that generates an enterprise-level application, based on your input.

For more information, see New Application wizard.

Switch Application

Select an application from the alphabetized list to become your current application.

The list of available options is populated based on the access groups defined on your Operator ID form. If more than one access group points to the same application, the Switch Application menu displays the application label followed by the access group in parenthesis.

Note: The scope of the Application Explorer and other features in Designer Studio are dependent on your current application.

Switch Work Pool

Select a work pool from the list set your default work pool.

The list of available options is populated based on the work pools defined on your current Access Group form.

For more information, see Access Group - Completing the Advanced tab.