You can define an escalation action, such as notifying a manager, that is run when an assignment is past due. By reacting to assignments that exceed their goal or deadline times, you can reduce the risk of unfinished work in a case.
In the explorer panel of Designer Studio, click Cases and then click the name of a case type.
On the Life cycle tab, click an assignment in a process that has a goal and deadline defined.
Click Goal & deadline.
Indicate how the assignment is escalated.
Below the Goal label, click + Add escalation action.
Select an action from the Perform actions list.
Below the Deadline label, click + Add escalation action.
Select an action from the Perform actions list.
Click Save.
At run time, your application sends an email to users to notify them when the assignment is overdue.
Tip: To access advanced escalation actions, open the Service Level Agreement form.