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Checking score distribution

Score distribution allows you to analyze how a predictive model segments the cases in the population. Typically, the range of scores is broken intro intervals with increasing likelihood of positive type of behavior. The behavior is based on the behavior of the cases in the development sample that fall into each interval.

With model analysis based on score distribution, you can compare predictive models based on consistent terms, for example, how they distribute cases over 10 equal scorebands. The more predictive power of the model, the more distinct the bands are in terms of their performance. You can also generate model reports and analyze score distribution.

  1. In the Score Distribution step, select a model for analysis.

  2. In the Score distribution settings section, select a segmentation method. This method controls the division of scores.

  3. Click Apply.
  4. Optional: In the Graphical view tab or Table view tab, check the score distribution analysis of the selected models.
  5. Click Next.

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