Use the Call instruction with the Data-Decision-DDF-RunOptions.pxOverwriteSource activity to overwrite a primary or secondary source with different data.
Create an instance of the Activity rule by clicking Records Explorer > Technical > Activity.
In the activity steps, enter the Call Data-Decision-DDF-RunOptions.pxOverwriteSource method.
Click the arrow to the left of the Method field to expand the method and specify its parameters:
Name of the instance that you want to use as the source.
Source type - Enter Data set (default), Data flow, or Report Definition).
Partition key for distributed data flow runs if the source is a report definition.
Code-Pega-List page to pass report definition support parameters. Specify each parameter in the Embed-NameValuePair class.
Shape ID (the pyMOID of the shape) that you are going to overwrite. By default, it is the destination that represents the primary source.
The applies to class of the component that you use to overwrite the original source. By default, it is the applies to class of the data flow.
Parameter to identify the Applies To class of a data flow that is not the one defined in the RunOptions page.
Parameter to run a data flow that is not the one defined in the RunOptions page.
Click Save.