You are here: Pega 7 Platform Database > Database administration and performance > Testing SQL queries > Read-only database access

Read-only database access

You can limit a user's access to the database by creating read-only credentials in the prconfig.xml file. Users with these credentials will only be able to execute SELECT statements and get back a maximum of 500 rows. The password is required for read-only credentials.

To configure read-only credentials, add the following settings to the prconfig.xml file:

<env name="database/databases/PegaRULES/readOnlyUserName" value="<user name>"/>

<env name="database/databases/PegaRULES/readOnlyPassword" value="<password>"/>

<env name="database/databases/PegaDATA/readOnlyUserName" value="<user name"/>

<env name="database/databases/PegaDATA/readOnlyPassword" value="<password>"/>