Viewing database schema using the Modify Schema wizard
You can view database schema using the Modify Schema wizard.
- Click Designer Studio > System > Database.
- Click the Modify Schema tab.
- Select the database that you want to view or modify and click Next. The databases listed have been defined through a Data-Admin-DB-Name data instance.
- Select the database table that you want to view or modify and click Next. The tables listed have been defined through a Data-Admin-DB-Table data instance.
- The list shows which Pega 7 Platform concrete classes are associated with the selected database table and database.
Click one of the following options:
- Columns in the table - Displays the properties that are already exposed. This page is for viewing only. Click Back to return to the table.
- View Columns - Displays the exposed columns in the selected table. This page is for viewing only. Click Back to return to the table or click Close to exit the wizard.
- Set to be visible - Displays a list of properties marked Required in the Column Inclusion field on the Advanced tab on the property form. Click this option if you want to expose additional properties as columns.
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