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How to complete data mapping for SOAP and dotNet connectors

Data mapping defines the relationship between parameter-value pairs in external systems and property-value pairs in the Pega 7 Platform. SOAP and dotNET connector forms have two tabs for data mapping:

For SOAP and dotNet connectors, the Pega 7 Platform supports all primitive data types supported by the World Wide Web Consortium standard at WWW link

Simple data types

Because XML is text-based, any XSD data type can be mapped into a Single Value property of type Text. However, when possible, a more restrictive mapping is better — for example, the XSD type float corresponds to the Pega 7 Platform type of Double. In specific situations, you may be aware of values and format that allow even more restrictive mappings than listed below.

When an incoming or outgoing message contains scalar arguments that match the Pega 7 Platform properties or activity parameters and the data is to be treated as a single value, create simple argument-property mappings. The following table lists the XSD data types that appear in the Data Type selection list and suggest the typical Pega 7 Platform property type to map the value to or from.

XSD Data Type


Notes and XSD examples



Also used for User Name and Password.

True or False





XSD represents single-precision values (originally 32 bits) only.

-1E4, 12687.433E12, 12, INF (infinity)



Same as Java
long Integer Same as Java
short Integer Same as Java
byte Integer Same as Java
base64Binary Text Encoded binary value as characters
hexBinary Text Encoded binary value as characters




decimal Decimal 3.14159
integer Integer -7, 43
QName Identifier Rare
duration Text P1Y2M3DT10H30M


UTC zone (Zulu) only.


gYear Identifier 1999
gYearMonth Identifier 1999-05
gMonth Identifier 05
gMonthDay Identifier 05-31
gDay Identifier 31
negativeInteger Integer -7
positiveInteger Integer 7
nonNegativeInteger Integer 7
nonPositiveInteger Integer 0
unsignedInt Integer 555
unsignedShort Integer 32
unsignedLong Integer 235262343
unsignedByte Integer 254
normalizedString Text Contains no carriage return, tab, or line feed characters.
token Identifier A normalizedString that contains no leading or trailing spaces, and no sequences of two or more spaces.
anyURI Identifier
Name Identifier Rare
NCName Identifier Rare

Complex data types

To map complex data types, assess the data that will be transmitted in the SOAP messages. Consider whether the message contains a string parameter with XML code embedded in the value or the message contains an XML object:

For information about using Parse XML rules, XML Stream rules, and data transforms (previously known as model rules) for data mapping, see Data Mapping XML, a document on the Integration area of the PDN.

Related topics About Connect dotNet rules
Data type conversions in expressions

Integration-Connectors category