You are here: Survey management > Fine-tuning your survey > Conditionally displaying a question page in a survey

Conditionally displaying a question page in a survey

You can define a set of conditions that must be met before a question page is displayed in a survey. By displaying different questions based on the current context of the user, you can create surveys that are flexible.

  1. Click Designer Studio > Survey Management, and then click Edit next to the name of a survey that has at least one question page defined.

  2. Click View/Edit next to the name of a question page to open the Edit Page dialog box.

  3. In the Show Question Page field, enter the name of the current question page.

  4. In the When field, press the Down Arrow key and select a when condition that defines the criteria for displaying the question page.

  5. Click Save to close the Edit Page dialog box.

  6. On the Survey Builder page, click Save.

Note: This functionality is available when you purchase and install the PegaSurvey application.