You are here: Reference > Rule types > Data Set > Sample output for providers in the Monte Carlo data set

Sample output for providers in the Monte Carlo data set

The Monte Carlo data set contains a list of providers that you select to generate records for a variety of information types. For some of the providers you need to provide one to four simple type arguments to generate the expected output. For example, you can limit the range of values that you want to generate, enable uppercase letters, or special characters in the output.

The following table shows all the providers that you can use in the Monte Carlo data set, an explanation of the arguments, and a sample output that each provider generates.

Provider name Arguments Result type Sample output
Address.buildingNumber None Text
  • 62230
  • 4581
  • 088
Address.cityName None Text
  • Strackechester
  • East Alekshire
  • South Zolamouth
Address.cityPrefix None Text
  • New
  • Port
  • West
Address.citySuffix None Text
  • shire
  • mouth
  • side None Text
  • Morissetteshire
  • Faustinofort
  • West Colinmouth
Address.countryCode None Text
  • CA
  • TC
  • AW None Text
  • Norway
  • Comoros
  • Peru
Address.firstName None Text
  • Isabell
  • Leif
  • Elenora
Address.lastName None Text
  • Bernier
  • Herman
  • Walsh
Address.latitude None Text
  • 89,918670
  • 32,371142
  • -29,237937
Address.longitude None Text
  • -55,575889
  • 127,70534
  • 24,185027
Address.secondaryAddress None Text
  • Apt. 242
  • Suite 911
  • Suite 451
Address.stateAbbr None Text
  • PA
  • TN
  • NC
Address.state None Text
  • Kentucky
  • Utah
  • Mississippi
Address.streetAddress None Text
  • 90772 Boyer Glen
  • 612 Ramon Throughway
  • 866 Angelita Mountains

True or



When you enter True, the output of this provider is a combination of the Address.streetAddress and Address.secondaryAddress providers:

  • 6802 Abshire Crescent Suite 327
  • 2496 Candelario Trail Apt. 788
  • 98653 Lockman Keys Suite 158

When you enter False, the output of this provider is the same as for the Address.streetAddress provider:

  • 6802 Abshire Crescent
  • 2496 Candelario Trail
  • 98653 Lockman Keys
Address.streetAddressNumber None Text
  • 32
  • 687
  • 258
Address.streetName None Text
  • Jaylan Ramp
  • Lemke Way
  • Jalyn Common
Address.streetSuffix None Text
  • Terrace
  • Squares
  • Spurs
Address.timeZone None Text
  • Americas/Monterrey
  • Europe/Stockholm
  • Asia/Tokyo
Address.zipCode None Text
  • 07088
  • 87519-7664
  • 77541-1618 None Text
  • Span
  • Fintone
  • Konklab None Text
  • Rank
  • Zaam-Dox
  • Sonair
App.version None Text
  • 0.5.6
  • 4.8.1
  • 0.91 None Text
  • Bert Ortiz
  • Marcel Baumbach
  • Miss Brenna Bode
Book.genre None Text
  • Essay
  • Novel
  • Realistic fiction
Book.publisher None Text
  • Tachyon Publications
  • Virgin Publishing
  • Pecan Grove Press
Book.title None Text
  • An Acceptable Time
  • The Daffodil Sky
  • Moab Is My Washpot
Bool.bool None TrueFalse
  • true
  • false
Business.creditCardExpiry None Text
  • 2017-9-12
  • 2018-11-12
  • 2017-10-12
Business.creditCardNumber None Text
  • 1228-1221-1221-1431
  • 1211-1221-1234-2201
  • 1212-1221-1121-1234
Business.creditCardType None Text
  • american_express
  • mastercard
  • visa
Code.isbn10 None Text
  • 444455986-1
  • 426523415-1
  • 240876947-7
Code.isbn13 None Text
  • 812-2-09-734-3371
  • 960-4-23-214-1770
  • 127-3-36-919-3259 None Text
  • grey
  • plum
  • olive
Commerce.color None Text
  • white
  • lavender
  • orange
Commerce.department None Text
  • Shoes
  • Beauty, Clothing & Toys
  • Baby & Beauty
Commerce.material None Text
  • Marble
  • Iron
  • Silk
  1. Double
  2. Double
  • 2,00
  • 3,60
  • 7,31

The two numeric arguments are necessary to specify the range for the output values.

Commerce.price None Text
  • 55,17
  • 4,24
  • 88,33
Commerce.productName None Text
  • Sleek Granite Bench
  • Fantastic Concrete Lamp
  • Ergonomic Rubber Pants None Text
  • strategize turn-key vortals
  • monetize proactive web-readiness
  • optimize 24/365 portals

This provider generates examples of business jargon.

Company.buzzword None Text
  • homogeneous
  • moratorium
  • Right-sized
Company.catchPhrase None Text
  • Stand-alone asynchronous structure
  • Face to face upward-trending throughput
  • Vision-oriented asymmetric help-desk
Company.industry None Text
  • Internet
  • Chemicals
  • Outsourcing / Offshoring
Company.logo None Text
  • None Text
  • Tremblay-Tremblay
  • Jacobson-Jacobson
  • Pfannerstill, Pfannerstill and Pfannerstill
Company.profession None Text
  • designer
  • writer
  • firefighter
Company.suffix None Text
  • Inc
  • LLC
  • Group
ConsecutiveIds.currentRowID None Integer

Note:  The ConsecutiveIds.currentRowID provider should be used with the ConsecutiveIds.nextRowID provider. Then, the output of the ConsecutiveIds.currentRowID is the same as in the ConsecutiveIds.nextRowID provider. For example:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  1. Text
  2. Text

The first text argument is necessary to specify the prefix that will be added to the output value, the second text argument is necessary to specify the suffix. If you want to generate only a suffix or prefix, in the argument that you do not need enter "".

Note:  The ConsecutiveIds.currentRowID provider should be used with the ConsecutiveIds.nextRowID provider. Then, the output of the ConsecutiveIds.currentRowID is the same as in the ConsecutiveIds.nextRowID provider. For example:

When you enter Customer and "" for the ConsecutiveIds.currentRowID and ConsecutiveIds.nextRowID, the output of the ConsecutiveIds.currentRowID provider looks like this:

  • Customer1
  • Customer2
  • Customer3
ConsecutiveIds.nextRowID None Integer
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  1. Text
  2. Text

The first text argument is necessary to specify the prefix that will be added to the output value, the second text argument is necessary to specify the suffix. If you want to generate only a suffix or prefix, in the argument that you do not need enter "".

When you enter Customer and "", the output of this provider looks like this:

  • Customer1
  • Customer2
  • Customer3
Crypto.sha1 None Text
  • 7b67bb204e4dd1c9d3a374cb1563669a79139843
  • 621a37299902abbb68e5f8c0a62788a321cf98a3
  • bcf215732e32b9aaee2025711d5de40c75f3dcb3
Crypto.sha256 None Text
  • c5b29fc80e2dff2af779f3e2390c535da04e24602dc571549515ff1e43e36f92
  • 3ecfa2c6b7d03efdba375a40490eb36bb7c85847417498418bc6580da486e809
  • b96938e306a1791b5c3fdea5c0c3d90928630d39ad38ccf9e52e5f9f5622ab62
Crypto.sha512 None Text
  • 40fdf3cd60fdef0c03521971972b879a4088d3bc7 ... c0dcbafbbb6f00796ce24b4afa7f6e
  • 140eff73d089945b6ea781c2a209d0022fa4cb892 ... ee536c4ab07d36e14
  • 4a2af7c2c52dbf1d29067ee346812b38e2a720720 ... 6e463a515a644b0778
  1. Text

  2. Text

Note: Use the following date format for both arguments: "YYYY-MM-DD"


The first text argument is necessary to specify the earlier date, the second argument is necessary to specify the later date.

When you enter "2015-01-01"and "2016-01-01", the output of this provider can look like this:

  • 20150105T010501.014 GMT
  • 20150805T010505.014 GMT
  • 20150902T040607.014 GMT
  1. Integer

  2. Text

    Enter one of the following values:

    • HOURS
    • DAYS

This provider takes the current system date and time and generates a random future date from the range that you specify.

For example, if today is 1st October 2016, and you specify the following arguments for the provider: 10 and DAYS, the low end of the range is the current date and time, the high end of the range is 10 days from the current date and time. Then, the output of this provider can look like this:

  • 20161007T175909.876 GMT
  • 20161002T194337.477 GMT
  • 20161008T140235.534 GMT



  1. Integer
  2. Text

    Enter one of the following values:

    • HOURS
    • DAYS
  3. Text

    Use the following date format: "YYYY-MM-DD"


This provider takes a provided future date and generates a random future date from the range that you specify.

For example, if you enter the following arguments for this provider: 10, HOURS, and "2016-10-15", the low end of the range is 20161015T000000.000 GMT, the high end of the range is 10 hours from the low end. Then, the output of this provider can look like this:

  • 20161015T060856.391 GMT
  • 20161015T023433.000 GMT
  • 20161015T052553.797 GMT
  • Integer
  • Text

    Enter one of the following values:

    • HOURS
    • DAYS

This provider takes the current system date and time and generates a random past date from the range that you specify.

For example, if today is 1st October 2016, and you specify the following arguments for the provider: 10 and DAYS, the high end of the range is the current date and time, the low end of the range is 10 days ago counting from the current date and time. Then, the output of this provider can look like this:

  • 20161007T041657.871 GMT
  • 20161007T093822.660 GMT
  • 20161007T064259.069 GMT
  1. Integer
  2. Text

    Enter one the following values:

    • HOURS
    • DAYS
  3. Text

    Use the following date format for the third argument: "YYYY-MM-DD"


This provider takes a provided past date and generates a random past date from the range that you specify.

For example, if you enter the following arguments for this provider: 10, DAYS, and "2016-10-15", the high end of the range is 20161015T000000.000 GMT, the low end of the range is 10 days ago counting from the high end. Then, the output of this provider can look like this:

  • 20161013T060856.391 GMT
  • 20161008T023433.000 GMT
  • 20161009T052553.797 GMT
Educator.campus None Text
  • Marblewald Campus
  • Ironston Campus
  • Ironbarrow Campus
Educator.course None Text
  • Master of Arts
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Master of Medicine
Educator.secondarySchool None Text
  • Iceborough High School
  • Marblewald High
  • Vertapple Secondary College None Text
  • Ostbarrow University
  • Brighthurst TAFE
  • Clearcourt TAFE
Finance.bic None Text
Finance.creditCard None Text
  • 5019-9344-3247-8756
  • 6304040055031781
  • 6587-2274-3214-7772
IdNumber.invalid None Text
  • 901-00-1162
  • 913-40-1127
  • 666-32-2765
IdNumber.ssnValid None Text
  • 177-61-7561
  • 576-28-7584
  • 062-17-7053
IdNumber.valid None Text
  • 759-87-7313
  • 884-05-3129
  • 206-71-8154
Internet.avatar None Text
Internet.domainName None Text
Internet.domainSuffix None Text
  • io
  • com
  • org
Internet.domainWord None Text
  • streich
  • langosh
  • klein
Internet.emailAddress(Text) <sample_text> Text
  • <sample_text>
  • <sample_text>
  • <sample_text>

Sample text is necessary to generate email addresses.

Internet.emailAddress None Text
Internet.image None Text
  1. Integer
  2. Integer
  • qh5
  • 91
  • t3

The two numeric arguments are necessary to specify the minimum and maximum length of the password.

  1. Integer
  2. Integer
  3. True or False
  • T9Uw
  • 3IL
  • fy

The two numeric arguments are necessary to specify the minimum and maximum length of the password. When the third argument is set to True, the password can contain uppercase letters.

Internet.password(Integer,Integer,TrueFalse, TrueFalse)
  1. Integer
  2. Integer
  3. True or False
  4. True or False
  • fWe
  • 7#E
  • G3y8

The two numeric arguments are necessary to specify the minimum and maximum length of the password. When the third argument is set to True, the password can contain uppercase letters. When the fourth argument is set to True, the password can contain special characters.

Internet.password None Text
  • mg3ty8m7byw
  • mgouarh29nz
  • 0h8gsipyw6pb3
Internet.url None Text

True or False

  • 7
  • Y
  • d

When the argument is set to True, the generated character can be uppercase.

Lorem.character None Char
  • z
  • t
  • h
Lorem.characters(Integer) Integer Text
  • wu
  • 0o
  • 2s

The numeric argument is necessary to specify the number of characters that the provider can generate.

  1. Integer
  2. Integer
  • mjw
  • wdgm6
  • xj5

The two numeric arguments are necessary to specify the minimum and maximum number of the characters that the provider can generate.

  1. Integer
  2. Integer
  3. True or False
  • KRld
  • Nq8
  • 4tP

The two numeric arguments are necessary to specify the number of characters that the provider can generate. When the third argument is set to True, the characters can be uppercase.

  1. Integer
  2. True or False
  • f0
  • Cxt
  • Ex9S

The numeric argument is necessary to specify the number of characters that the provider can generate. When the second argument is set to True, the characters can be uppercase.


True or False

  • waqdyhdt2lei9mhz6 ... 42msdr3h
  • mkvxrp8q3hj7m4hh ... 8kz0ri9zdn9w
  • 76xjpsu0qn1r1 ... lrbddu7y7be

When the argument is set to True, the characters can be uppercase.

Lorem.characters None Text
  • nr4s807pqzd80 ... u4dzs844zox90l7rrk
  • wspgd8cvp7iod ... bmf7szhpsmm
  • oofhaplfycdzy4 ... zigyjgfcn


  • Ut
  • Au
  • Ver

The numeric argument is necessary to specify the number of letters that the provider can generate.



  • Ab mollitia et mollitia. Dolores ut expedita eum quas praesentium aliquam. Ipsam excepturi ut nobis ut autem. Quae eum consequatur impedit. Voluptas sit consequuntur dolor. Enim modi sunt et. Itaque suscipit impedit doloremque debitis neque quaerat eius. Adipisci autem ab laudantium voluptatem consequuntur. Tenetur distinctio excepturi nulla cumque. Error impedit et dolorum sit. Voluptas et omnis aut nostrum assumenda reiciendis.

The numeric argument is necessary to specify the number of sentences that the provider can generate.

Lorem.paragraph None Text
  • Veritatis illo aut enim deserunt. Hic temporibus officia accusantium debitis sunt autem. Nihil quia porro in sed ducimus. Magni rem unde dolorem suscipit. Corrupti molestias id odit harum vitae unde. Pariatur nemo id molestiae est quas laudantium. Eum dignissimos fugit animi atque. Quia soluta asperiores voluptates. Incidunt mollitia nesciunt. Quidem laboriosam non aliquam quia illo. Saepe totam asperiores ut.
Lorem.sentence None Text
  • Non corrupti dolorem minus. Et eum et porro hic excepturi quibusdam delectus. Quia enim sint excepturi exercitationem dolores aspernatur esse.
Lorem.word None Text
  • ullam
  • cupiditate
  • tenetur
Name.firstName None Text
  • Murray
  • Milan
  • Eddie
Name.fullName None Text
  • Ms. Hayden Osinski
  • Darian Abshire
  • Sibyl Lueilwitz
Name.lastName None Text
  • Rosenbaum
  • Wyman
  • Schuppe
Name.nameWithMiddle None Text
  • Alexandre Alexandre Legros
  • Cecelia Cecelia Waters
  • Kenton Kenton Cremin None Text
  • Lorenzo Schroeder
  • Kaya Lowe
  • Allie Deckow
Name.prefix None Text
  • Mr.
  • Dr.
  • Ms.
Name.suffix None Text
  • PhD
  • DVM
  • V
Name.title None Text
  • District Data Orchestrator
  • Human Creative Analyst
  • Principal Quality Analyst
  1. Integer
  2. Integer
  • 1
  • 22
  • 49

The two arguments are necessary to specify the range for the output values.

  1. Double
  2. Double
  • -0.417215694834987

  • 17.269498733932487

  • 23.161001723104526

The two arguments are necessary to specify the range for the output values.

Number.randomDigitNotZero None Integer
  • 3
  • 1
  • 7
Number.randomDigit None Integer
  • 1
  • 6
  • 4
  1. Integer
  2. Double
  3. Double
  • 2.11
  • 12.23
  • 81.53

The first argument is necessary to specify the maximum number of decimals that the random number can have. The second and third arguments are necessary to specify the range for the output values.

  1. Double
  2. Double
  • 2.9223485274017036
  • 2.20475923745207
  • 0.30863192003430684

The first argument is necessary to specify the mean value. The second argument is necessary to specify standard deviation.

Number.randomGaussian None Double
  • 1.955394274240456
  • 1.9958646608969868
  • -1.9904537580715607
  1. Text
  2. Text
  3. Text
  4. Text

The output of this provider is one of the four text values that you enter in the arguments. For example, when you enter a single letter in each argument A B C D, the output can look like this:

  • A
  • D
  • C



The output of this provider is one of the comma-separated text values that you enter in the argument. For example, when you enter A,B,C,D, the output can look like this:

  • A
  • C
  • B
PhoneNumber.cellPhone None Text
  • 1-541-975-0490
  • (637) 424-5916
  • 422.278.5528
PhoneNumber.phoneNumber None Text
  • 309 997-4281
  • 545-827-6380
  • (702) 200-7723-392
Shakespeare.asYouLikeItQuote None Text
  • The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.
  • True is it that we have seen better days.
  • I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it.
Shakespeare.hamletQuote None Text
  • Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't.
  • When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.
  • Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.
Shakespeare.kingRichardIIIQuote None Text
  • So wise so young, they say, do never live long.
  • Now is the winter of our discontent.
  • Off with his head!
Shakespeare.romeoAndJulietQuote None Text
  • For you and I are past our dancing days.
  • See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!.
  • Not stepping o'er the bounds of modesty.
Team.creature None Text
  • cattle
  • zombies
  • chickens None Text
  • New Mexico goblins
  • North Carolina tigers
  • Delaware geese None Text
  • football
  • hockey
  • basketball
Team.state None Text
  • Rhode Island
  • Idaho
  • Virginia None Text
  • Eastern Terry Institute
  • Southern Terry
  • North DuBuque
University.prefix None Text
  • Northern
  • Eastern
  • South
University.suffix None Text
  • College
  • Institute
  • Academy