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Data page rules
Using the Parameters tab

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Use this tab to list and describe parameters that the data page requires. Add rows in the display by clicking the Add add row icon.

Field Description

Enter a name that is unique within this data page. The name should begin with a letter and can include letters, numbers, and the hyphen and underscore characters.


Enter a short description for the property. This description displays only at design time to help developers work with the property.

Data Type

Select a data type:

  • String
  • Boolean (true/false)
  • Integer
  • Decimal

Select Yes to make the property required. Required parameters must be passed to the data page in order for it to load.

Select No to make the property optional.


Select In to indicate that the parameter is used for input to from this data page.

Select Out to indicate that the parameter is used for output from this data page.

Default value

Optional: Enter a literal constant value that displays as the default parameter value when the system presents a parameter prompt form to a user invoking this data page.

Smartprompt type

Optional: For some parameters, you can configure SmartPrompt facilities to list a set of values for the parameter that a person can select from when specifying parameter values. The values listed by SmartPrompt must be a key part to a concrete class with one to three key parts.

To enable SmartPrompt operation, enter a class name here to create a configuration that allows a user to enter this parameter using SmartPrompt at run time.

Click the icon to the right of the field to create a new class.

Validate as

Optional: Identify a property that further qualifies the SmartPrompt operation.