Cell Properties - Presentation tab

Set the Icon/Image control display configuration in the Properties panel of the selected Icon/Image control.




Select the one of the available presentation types. Select None if neither of the following presentation types is applicable:

  • Email
  • Phone
  • URL
Advanced Presentation Options

Click the down arrow to display the list of advanced presentation options for the selected Icon/Image control.

  • Cell width - Specify the cell width. The default value is 217.
  • Cell height - Specify the cell height in pixels. The default value is 21.
  • Cell read-write classess - Type the name of the custom style, for example, custom_stylename, that you want to apply to this cell when the user form or flow action form appears in read-write mode.
  • Cell read-only classes- Type the name of the custom style, for example, custom_stylename, that you want to apply to this cell when the user form or flow action form appears in read-only mode.
  • Cell inline style - Type CSS code to define an inline style. As a best practice, define custom styles in the skin. See Skin form — Components tab — General — Custom styles.